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Danny Weiss

Danny Weiss

Senior Lecturer / Music // Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance

Office and Contact

Room: PAO 2109


Phone: (765) 496-3140


Jazz History

Jazz Improvisation

Music Theory

Woodwind Techniques


Duo, trio, and quartet leader Danny Weiss plays woodwinds, composes, and occasionally sings. Currently living in West Lafayette, Indiana, Weiss spent many years in New York and Chicago. He has performed with the avant-garde nonet, DaDaDah, the brass jazz ensemble, NoNoNonet, New York dance choreographers, Latin jazz bands, and Broadway show bands. Weiss has also performed with such jazz celebrities as Rashied Ali, Tom Varner, Joe Williams, Chris Washburne, Michael Sarin, Lynn Arriel, Clyde Stubblefield, and Don Braden at venues including the Jazz Showcase, the Green Mill, Birdland, CBGBs, the West End Gate, PS 122, Jay's, the Knitting Factory, and the Bitter End. Weiss is married to Felicia Roberts, a professor at Purdue University.