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Robyn A. Bartlett

Robyn A. Bartlett

Associate Professor; Director of Undergraduate Studies // English

Associate Professor // Medieval and Renaissance Studies // SIS

Office and Contact

Room: HEAV 313


Phone: (765) 494-6377

British Literature

Research Areas
Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve; late medieval religious literature and culture

Robyn A. Bartlett (formerly Malo; PhD, Ohio State University, 2007) joined the department of English at Purdue in 2008 and is associate professor of Middle English Literature. She works on Chaucer, Hoccleve, and late medieval religious literature and culture. She is the author of Relics and Writing in Late Medieval England (Toronto, 2013) and recently co-chaired the Biennial Congress for the New Chaucer Society (2020, conference held in 2022).

Her essays have appeared or are forthcoming in The Chaucer ReviewStudies in the Age of ChaucerNew Medieval Literatures, and the Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, among other places. She is currently finishing a book on medieval vernacular confession and subjectivity (including chapters on Chaucer, Hoccleve, and Margery Kempe), and she is working on subjectivity more broadly. Her interests extend to include the role of mindfulness in classroom teaching.

Professor Bartlett regularly teaches undergraduate courses on literary studies and literary theory, and graduate and undergraduate courses on Chaucer.