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Stacy Sivinski

Stacy Sivinski

Affiliated Faculty // English

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Stacy Sivinski is a clinical assistant professor in the Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts Program. She holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Notre Dame, an M.A. in English from the University of Tennessee, and a B.A. in English and History from Emory & Henry College. Her areas of expertise include women's writing from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, sensory studies, gender studies, fashion studies, and Appalachian folklore. Stacy’s research has appeared in the Journal of Gender Studies, the Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, and Consumption and the Literary Cookbook (Routledge). 

In 2023, Stacy published Fairy Tales of Appalachia (University of Tennessee Press), which features stories that have been passed down through oral traditions in the Appalachian mountain region for decades. The collection places a particular emphasis on tales with strong heroines and highlights how Appalachians have reworked traditional fairytale tropes to better suit their cultural contexts. 

Prior to joining Purdue, Stacy worked in the university writing center at Notre Dame and helped coordinate the Presenter Center, which offers services that help students and faculty members improve their public speaking skills. She also designed and instructed community-based literature and composition classes that gave students an opportunity to adopt interdisciplinary approaches while connecting with local non-profit organizations.

Articles and Book Chapters 

“‘it was the clothes that wore out the woman’: Fashion, Mobility, and New Womanhood in the Work of Elizabeth von Arnim,” co-authored with Trish Bredar, in Elizabeth von Arnim and Identities, edited by Jennifer Shepherd and Noreen O’Connor, Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming. 

“Velvet, Silk, and Other Ecstasies: Affective Encounters with Clothes in Early Issues of Vogue,” special issues of The Journal of Modernist Periodical Studies (eds. Ilya Parkins and Lise Shapiro Sanders), vol. 11, no. 2, 2020, pp. 174-194.

“‘Roots and Seeds’: Reclaiming Regional Identity through Food in Ronni Lundy’s Victuals: An Appalachian Journey, with Recipes,” in Consumption and the Literary Cookbook, eds. Roxanne Harde and Janet Wesselius, Routledge, 2020

‘“An invention…that bottled up a memory, like scent’: Phantom Fragrances in Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca,The Journal of Gender Studies, vol 29, no. 8, 2020, pp. 860-869. 


Fairy Tales of Appalachia, editor. The University of Tennessee Press. 2023.