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Troy Seagraves

Troy Seagraves

Visiting Instructor // Cornerstone

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Troy is a Ph.D. candidate who specializes in ethics and metaethics. He is interested in the ways that agents can influence what is normatively required of them even if we assume a robust kind of realism about normativity. Perhaps, says Troy, agents get a say in how strong reasons are for them even if these reasons exist independently of one’s psychology or conventions. Troy’s interest in ethics and metaethics is almost always with an eye towards God and what he is normatively required to do. If, like agents generally, God has a say in how strong reasons are for him, then this has implications for how we think of a myriad of issues in the philosophy of religion.

When not pondering human and divine ethics, Troy is an amateur gardener and boardgame enthusiast. His summers are largely dedicated to tending his vegetable garden and he is always open to telling a new story via a boardgame adventure.