Margaret Church Memorial Prize Winners
1984 - Present
The Margaret Church MFS Memorial Prize was established in 1984 in memory of Dr. Church, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Purdue University and a longtime editor of this journal. She died in 1982. Winners of the annual prize are announced in the Summer issue of each volume.
Award Date | Author | Title | Issue | Pages |
1984 | Carl Freedman | Antinomies of 1984 | 30.4 | 601-20 |
1985 | Paul M. Hadeen | A Symbolic Center in a Conceptual Country: A Gassian Rubric for The Sound and the Fury | 31.4 | 623-43 |
1986 | Thomas C. Beattie | Moments of Meaning Dearly Achieved: Virginia Woolf’s Sense of an Ending | 32.4 | 521-41 |
*1986 | Ronald R. Thomas | In the Company of Strangers: Absent Voices in Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Beckett’s Company | 32.2 | 157-73 |
1987 | Tom LeClair | Deconstructing the Logos: Don DeLillo’s End Zone | 33.1 | 105-23 |
*1987 | Liliane Weissberg | Editing Adventures: Writing the Text of Julius Rodman | 33.3 | 413-30 |
1988 | Alan Nadel | Reading the Body: Alice Walker’s Meridian and the Archeology of Self | 34.1 | 55-68 |
1989 | Margot Norris | Stifled Back Answers: The Gender Politics of Art in Joyce’s "The Dead” | 35.3 | 479-503 |
1990 | Kim McMullen | The Fiction of Correspondence: LETTERS and History | 36.3 | 405-20 |
1991 | Kofi Owusu | The Politics of Interpretation: The Novels of Chinua Achebe | 38.3 | 459-70 |
1992 | Richard Begam | Splitting the Différance: Beckett, Derrida and the Unnamable | 38.4 | 873-92 |
1993 | Chris Bongie | “Lost in the Maze of Doubting": J. M. Coetzee’s Foe and the Politics of (Un)likeness | 39.2 | 261-81 |
1994 | Ross Chambers | Meditation and the Escalator Principle (On Nicholson Baker’s The Mezzanine) | 40.4 | 765-806 |
*1994 | Margaret Scanlon | Writers among Terrorists: Don DeLillo’s Mao II and the Rushdie Affair | 40.2 | 229-52 |
1995 | John A. McClure | Postmodern/Post-secular: Contemporary Fiction and Spirituality | 41.1 | 141-63 |
*1995 | Thomas B. Byers | Terminating the Postmodern: Masculinity and Pomophobia | 41.1 | 5-33 |
1996 | Barbara Foley | Jean Toomer’s Washington and the Politics of Class: From "Blue Veins" to Seventh Street Rebels | 42.2 | 289-321 |
1997 | Beverly Haviland | Passing from Paranoia to Plagiarism: The Abject Authorship of Nella Larsen | 43.2 | 295-318 |
1998 | Sarah Cole | Conradian Alienation and Imperial Intimacy | 44.2 | 251-81 |
1999 | Celia Marshik | "Public Women": Prostitution and Censorship in Three Novels by Virginia Woolf | 45.4 | 853-86 |
2000 | Mark Sanders | Truth, Telling, Questioning: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Antjie Krog's Country of My Skull, and Literature after Apartheid | 46.1 | 13-41 |
2001 | Jean Gallagher | Vision and Inversion in Nightwood | 47.2 | 279-305 |
2002 | Erin G. Carlston | Secret Dossiers: Sexuality, Race, and Treason in Proust and the Dreyfus Affair | 48.4 | 937-68 |
2003 | Yung-Hsing Wu | Doing Things with Ethics: Beloved, Sula, and the Reading of Judgment | 49.4 | 780-805 |
2004 | Urmila Seshagiri | Orienting Virginia Woolf: Race, Aesthetics, and Politics in To the Lighthouse | 50.1 | 58-84 |
*2004 | Jonathan Boulter | Does Mourning Require a Subject? Samuel Beckett's Texts for Nothing | 50.2 | 332-50 |
2005 | Sara Blair | Whose Modernism is it? Abraham Cahan, Fictions of Yiddish, and the Contest of Modernity | 51.2 | 258-84 |
2006 | Hsuan L. Hsu | Mimicry, Spatial Captation, and Feng Shui in Han Ong's Fixer Chao | 52.3 | 675-704 |
2007 | Carey Snyder | "When the Indian was in Vogue": D. H. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, and Ethnological Tourism in the Southwest | 53.4 | 662-96 |
2008 | Sarah Crangle | The Time Being: On Woolf and Boredom | 54.2 | 209-32 |
2009 | Rob Nixon | Neoliberalism, Slow Violence, and the Environmental Picaresque | 55.3 | 443-67 |
2010 | Adam Barrows | "The Shortcomings of Timetables": Greenwich, Modernism, and the Limits of Modernity | 56.2 | 262-89 |
2011 | Laura Saltz | "The Vision-Building Faculty": Naturalist Vision in The House of Mirth | 57.1 | 17-46 |
2012 | Matthew Hart and Tanya Lown-Hecht | The Extraterritorial Poetics of W. G. Sebald | 58.2 | 214-38 |
2013 | Ellen Crowell | Posthumous Playback: Oscar Wilde and the Phonographic Logic of Modern Biography | 59.3 | 480-500 |
2014 | Adam T. Jernigan | Paraliterary Labors in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar: Typists, Teachers, and the Pink-Collar Subtext | 60.1 | 1-27 |
2015 | Matthew Eatough | Planning the Future: Scenario Planning, Infrastructural Time, and South African Fiction | 61.4 | 690-714 |
2016 | Robin Blyn | Belonging to the Network: Neoliberalism and Postmodernism in Tropic of Orange | 62.2 | 191-216 |
2017 | Catherine Keyser | Candy Boys and Chocolate Factories: Roald Dahl, Racialization, and Global Industry | 63.3 | 403-28 |
2018 | Lynda Ng | Xinjiang's Indelible Footprint: Reading the New Imperialism of Neoliberalism in England and Waiting for the Barbarians | 64.3 | 512-36 |
2019 | Rebecca Roach | J. M. Coetzee's Aesthetic Automatism | 65.2 | 308-37 |
2020 | Yogita Goyal | “We Are All Migrants”: The Refugee Novel and the Claims of Universalism | 66.2 | 239-59 |
2021 | Megan Cole Paustian | Dogs, Whiteness, and the Politics of African Humanity | 67.3 | 443-67 |
2022 | Christine Okoth | Peripheral Labor | 68.1 | 117-40 |
2023 | Steven Nathaniel | Zora Neale Hurston, Anthropometrist | 69.4 | 644-68 |