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Auditions and Interviews

BA in Music Technology, Music Theory and Composition, Jazz Studies, and General Music Studies

Auditions/interviews are for all concentrations and all admitted incoming or current Purdue University students conducted at the following location:

Patti & Rusty Rueff School of Dance, Art, and Performance, PAO 2179

Please email with your full name and email subject [music audition/interview] to schedule your audition/interview and and receive link to audition form. You will receive an appointment date/time depending on what semester you are considering joining the department:

Fall:       Appointment will be during 1 week window before classes start
Spring:  Appointment will be early in the spring semester

The audition/interview process varies somewhat from one concentration to another. Please see specific requirements under each concentration for details. 

Audition/Interview Details
Audition format
You may choose to perform a live audition or submit an mp3 or mp4 file. 

Audition repertoire
Any style including classical, electronic/computer music, jazz, pop/rock/rock/folk, etc. are all acceptable. Perform a work or works that you feel best represents your talents and abilities. If you need assistance in selecting repertoire, please contact the music main office

Option 1: Present 5-8 minutes of music at an onsite audition.
Option 2: Share a 5-8 minutes recording or video audition.
Option 3: Share a 5-8 minutes video or audio recording of a work or production (original composition or arrangement) consisting of music made exclusively, or in part, using notation or DAW software.