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Chinese Computer Lab Instructions

You need Chinese-supporting software to read and write Chinese during computer lab sessions. It is recommended that you use Global IME (for writing Chinese) and NJW in Internet Viewer 1.80 (for reading Chinese only). Please follow the instructions below to obtain, install and use these programs.

[Disclamer: The copyright of NJWin Internet Viewer 1.80 belongs to NJStar Co., Ltd. The Program is used for educational non-profit purposes.]

A. How to download and install NJWin Internet Viewer 1.80 from the web.

  1. Open the Netscape Browser.
  2. In the "location" bar, enter,
  3. Look for "NJWin Internet Viewer 1.80, and click "USA Main Site" to download.
  4. A dialog window will pop up. Choose "Save File."
  5. A "Save as" window will appear. Choose your intended directory and press the "save" button. The downloading process will begin.
  6. Open Window Explorer from the menu "Start > window explorer."
  7. In Windows Explorer, try to find the saved program in the download directory you specified, and click it to start the installation.

B. How to install Global IME

  1. Go to Start, pull down selections, choose course software > liberal arts > fll > chns,
    install global ime for Chinese.
  2. "This will install the Microsoft Global IME for Chinese (Simplified), continue?" Click on YES.
  3. You will see the "License Agreement" in a box. Click on YES.
  4. "Global IME successfully installed." Click on OK.
  5. "You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now?" Click on NO.
  6. On the Left: Click on the blue and white square of the  Microsoft Word icon.
  7. Upper right corner: EN in a blue box.
    Click on it, and from the menu, choose " Chinese Simplified IME"
  8. Lower left corner: four boxes showing
    " czhong, a moon, a period, and a comma, cpin" respectively.
    You're ready to type in Chinese.

C. How to input Chinese characters.

  1. To input Chinese characters with pinyin, click the right side of the mouse on the fourth item " cpin" of the floating bar (at the bottom-left corner of the screen, then select the last menu item.
  2. Check everything in this box. Then close the box.
  3. Clicking the first item on the same floating bar " czhong" key will make the program switch between the English and Chinese input methods.

D. Web sites for computer labs: