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Extending beyond the confines of a singular cultural tradition, the comparative literature major provides students with the opportunity to tailor their coursework to their unique interests, by offering a variety of courses that span global cultures, classical and transnational literatures, performance studies, music, film, and media studies. Students have the freedom to explore cultural trends through a wide range of genres and cultural expressions, including the integration of interdisciplinary studies and scientific discourses. Students work closely with the Director of Comparative Literature and the Associate Head/DUS to create their course of study and have access to faculty mentoring and guidance.

The comparative literature major serves well as second major for both dual majors within the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) and for Degree + students outside of CLA. With approval from the Director of the program, students can count up to 2 courses from their primary major towards the Comp Lit Major.  

Comparative Literature students must either achieve proficiency at the 200 level (intermediate) in a language other than English or demonstrate proficiency through a language test.

The major is comprised of:

A. Three required courses (9 credits):

 B. Seven courses (21 credits) from the "selectives" Two courses must be chosen from category B, which focuses on “Languages, Literatures and Cultures in Other Languages”. The remaining 15 credits can be tailored to students’ individual interests provided that they are drawn from areas B, C, D with at least 3 credits from both C and D. Any courses outside the “selectives” list, including courses in the sciences, history, sociology, psychology, etc., can be approved by the Director of Comparative Literature or the Associate Head/DUS if they align with the student's particular comparatist interests and intellectual goals.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Elena Coda
Professor of Italian & Comparative Literature,
Associate Head of the School of Languages and Cultures
Steering Committee Member

Dr. Ahmed Idrissi Alami
Associate Professor of Arabic & Comparative Literature,
Steering Committee Member
Telephone: (765)494 2265

Dr. Beate I. Allert
Professor of German, Comparative Literature, and Film Studies
Director of Comparative Literature
Purdue University
Steering Committee Member