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Li Wei

Li Wei

Assistant Professor // SLC

Assistant Professor // Chinese // SLC

Assistant Professor // Asian Studies // SLC

Assistant Teaching Professor // Cornerstone

Research focus:
Chinese Literature

Office and Contact

Room: SC G005



CHNS 101: Chinese Level I
CHNS 102: Chinese Level II
SCLA 101: Transformative Texts

Ph.D. in Chinese Language and Literature, Washington University in St. Louis, 2019

Classical Chinese Literature, Early Modern Chinese Fiction and Drama, East Asian Thought

Li Wei is a clinical assistant professor in the School of Languages & Cultures. Wei will be teaching Chinese language courses as well as courses in the Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts program.

Wei holds a B.A. in English Language and Literature from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, as well as an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Chinese Language and Literature from Washington University in St. Louis. Her research focuses on Chinese popular and religious literature of the early modern period, especially fiction and drama in the Ming and Qing dynasties, through which she explores the questions of gender, national trauma, and literary modernity.

Prior, Dr. Wei served as a visiting assistant professor of Chinese and Humanities at Reed College where she taught courses on premodern Chinese literature, modern and classical Chinese languages. She also served as a Continuing Lecturer of Chinese in the School of Languages & Cultures in the past three years and received SLC’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 2022.