Lesson Plans for Psychoanalysis

THROUGHOUT THIS GUIDE TO THEORY, I have attempted, when possible, to draw from my own experiences teaching students the various theoretical approaches. The following two plans were implemented at radically different times in my career. The application to Spenser was essayed when I was a teaching assistant working under a professor at the U of California, Santa Barbara (in 1992 while studying for my Ph.D.). The class on psychoanalysis and the Holocaust was conducted Spring 2001 as an assistant professor and was funded by a grant from Purdue U.




Proper Citation of this Page:

Felluga, Dino. "Lesson Plans for Psychoanalysis." Introductory Guide to Critical Theory.[date of last update, which you can find on the home page]. Purdue U. [date you accessed the site]. <http://www.purdue.edu/guidetotheory/psychoanalysis/psychplans.html>.









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