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The Four Year Plan

The Four Year Plan provides suggestions for ways College of Liberal Arts Boilermakers can develop career-related skills and experience during their time at Purdue. These steps are designed to meet students where they are on their college journey. Whether students start exploring as early as their freshman year, or begin during their final year, we are confident they will be much more prepared to find a career that suits their passions, values, interests, and goals. 

Explore each step below and then make an appointment with a career coach to begin your journey.

VIEW THE CLA Career Services Four Year PLAN FLYER

Create Your Own Four-Year Plan
Meet with your career coaches to explore where you want to go, who you want to become, and how you can get there. Establish your myCCO account.

Find What Matters to You
Discover your personal values, interests, and skills as they pertain to potential careers.

Gain Experience by Doing
Pursue current interests and explore new ones while establishing your on-campus community.

Update Your Plan
Meet with your career coach to explore what engages and inspires you.

Get Involved on a Deeper Level
Build essential communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills by taking on leadership roles in the campus community.

Plan for Professional Schools
If you are considering pre-med, pre-health, or a law career, meet with your career coach to discuss a plan that works for you.

Learn Through First-Hand Accounts
Conduct informational interviews with professionals. Job shadow and volunteer to learn about career fields that interest you.

Seek Out Summer Opportunities Early
Internships and volunteering can help you discover your future path. Attend career fairs and meet with your career coach to search for opportunities that align with your career goals. 

Refine Your Goals
Meet with your career coach to set your immediate post-grad career goals.

Tell Your Story
Review your cover letter, resume and set up your LinkedIn account with a professional headshot. Practice your elevator pitch and refine your interview skills by meeting with your career coach.

Get to Know Potential Employers
Participate in career fairs across campus. Research organizations and companies to determine whether their mission aligns with your career goals.

Gain Experience Over the Summer
Conduct research, work, do an internship, volunteer.

Take Concrete Steps Towards Graduate School
Research schools and the application process. Register and prepare for admissions tests. Seek recommendations from professors early. 

Update and Refine Your Story
Meet with your career coach to finalize your post-graduate plans. Revise your resume and learn how to write and effective cover letter. Practice your interview skills in mock interviews.

Expand Your Network
Connect with your professors, fellow Boilermakers, the College of Liberal Arts, and alumni on LinkedIn. Reach out to alumni in career fields of interest. 

Complete Your Graduate School Applications Early
Meet with your career coach to get feedback on your personal statement.

Pursue Your Plan
Connect with employers by attending career fairs. Use your myCCO account to find jobs related to your interests. Meet with your career coach to discuss strategies and resources.