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McKenzie Liegibel

Major: English in a Global Context; Minors: Spanish, Communications 

Volunteer English Teacher, Corp Central New Wesern Arcaias 

1.) How did you learn about this internship opportunity? 

 I purchased a membership for an online organization called Workaway. The
organization connects volunteers to schools and businesses across the globe
that are looking for temporary or long-term assistance. I found New Western’s
profile, and applied for a position teaching English as a second language in
Acacías, Meta, Colombia.

2.) How has your internship helped build your skills and clarify your career goals?  How do you apply your Liberal Arts skills to your internship?  

 Throughout my internship, I developed skills that are crucial for my future
teaching positions. Not only did I learn how to prepare for my classes, but I also
learned how to adapt my lesson plans according to time restrictions and the
needs/requests of the students. In my previous teaching and tutoring
experiences, I worked with children, but I taught adults at New Western. After
teaching a diverse range of ages, my internship helped me to realize that I want
to continue teaching adult learners in my future career.

3.) What is a piece of advice you would give someone looking for an internship?  

One piece of advice I would give to someone looking for an internship is to keep
your mind open to every opportunity and gather as much information as possible.
Originally, I completely shut down the idea of interning in another country. I was
unsure of the logistics of housing and travel, but once I had a virtual meeting with
my supervisor, I was more relaxed and confident about what I was looking for.
Apply to as many companies as you can, and then make your decision once you
have all of the information.

4.) What specific responsibilities have you undertaken during your internship?

For the adult English classes, there was no pre-written curriculum, so I had to
plan individual classes based on the students’ level. I worked with them at the
end of each class to better understand what they would like to learn in the
following classes. I also led a speaking class with an advanced student who
wanted more practice with grammar and speaking with fluency. Finally, along with
the other volunteers, I planned and led learning activities for the students to
participate in after class every evening.

5.) In what ways has the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University supported your internship journey? How has your participating in our job-ready program specifically aided your professional development? 

I am incredibly grateful for the College of Liberal Arts and the job-ready program
for making my internship experience possible. Interning abroad can bring a large
financial burden, and without the CLA and job-ready program, I would not have
been able to afford the flights, vaccinations and required expenses. As a CLA
student, I have been lucky enough to meet groups of students and professors
with diverse backgrounds in travel and career paths. I have been inspired by my
peers and professors to look for opportunities in places I never would have
considered before, and they have also introduced me to programs and
scholarships that make those opportunities possible. I have seen a direct
connection from my CLA classes to the skills I needed for my internship, such as
cross-cultural communication and speaking in a second language. I think it’s
amazing to be able to learn these skills in a classroom and have confidence that
they will be used outside of the classroom, as well.

6.) Could you highlight a standout aspect of your experience in this program that you find particularly noteworthy? 

 While every college at Purdue offers internship and career prospects, the small
class sizes of the College of Liberal Arts offer the opportunity to connect with
peers and professors on a more personal level. As a member of the CLA, I was
supported by my classmates and professors throughout my search for an
internship abroad. I asked multiple professors for advice and information once I
decided to intern in Colombia, and with their help I was connected to a whole
network of peers and instructors who were more than willing to answer my
questions and assist me with any issues along the way.