Terms Used by Marxism
are presented in alphabetical order; however, someone beginning to learn
Marxism and neo-Marxism needs to stay conscious of the fact that each
major theorist uses particular terms in his or her particular way. I
have indicated those terms that are particularly tied to an individual
theorist, as well as those terms that are used differently by two different
Marxist or neo-Marxist critics. For an introduction to the work of a
few Marxists currently influencing the discipline, see the Marxism
Modules in this site. Whenever a defined term is used elsewhere
in the Guide to Theory, a hyperlink will eventually (if it does not
already) allow you to review the term in the bottom frame of your browser
window. The menu on the left allows you to check out the available terms
without having to scroll through the list below. Note that the left-hand
frame works best in Explorer, Mozilla, and Netscape 4; you may experience
some bugs in Netscape 6 and Opera. (See the Guide
to the Guide for suggestions.) I will also soon provide an alternate
menu option; for now, just scroll down.
(Marx): |
The process whereby the worker is made to feel foreign to the
products of his/her own labor. The creation of commodities
need not lead to alienation and can, indeed, be highly satisfying:
one pours one's subjectivity into an object and one can even gain
enjoyment from the fact that another in turn gains enjoyment from
our craft. In capitalism, the worker is exploited insofar as he
does not work to create a product that he then sells to a real person;
instead, the proletariat works in order to live, in order to obtain
the very means of life, which he can only achieve by selling his
labor to a capitalist for a wage (as if his labor were itself a
property that can be bought and sold). The worker is alienated from
his/her product precisely because s/he no longer owns that product,
which now belongs to the capitalist who has purchased the proletariat's
labor-power in
exchange for exclusive ownership over the proletariat's products
and all profit accrued by the sale of those products. |
Antagonism: |
Definition coming sooon. |
(aristocrat): |
The dominant class during the feudal stage of economic development.
See feudalism. |
Barter: |
Definition coming sooon. |
(bourgeois): |
The middle classes. |
Bureaucracy: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Capital: |
Buying in order to sell at a higher profit.
Capital transforms the simple circulation of commodities.
In commodity exchange,
one exchanges a commodity
for money, which one
then exchanges for some other commodity.
One sells in order to buy something else of use to the consumer;
Marx writes this formula as C-M-C (or Commodity-Money-Commodity).
Money allows this
formula to be transformed, however: now one can buy in order to
sell (at a higher price): M-C-M, which becomes for Marx the general
formula for capital. In this second formula, "the circulation
of money as capital
is an end in itself, for the valorization of value takes place only
within this constantly renewed movement. The movement of capital
is therefore limitless" (253).
The aim of the capitalist thus becomes "the unceasing movement
of profit-making" (254).
Indeed, the formula is reduced even further in the case of usury,
when one loans money in return for the same money with interest,
or M-M. A similar process occurs on the stock market. |
Capitalism: |
A socio-economic system based especially on private ownership
of the means
of production and the exploitation of the labor force.
See especially the Marx
module on stages of socioeconomic development and the module
on capital. |
Class: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Commodification: |
The subordination of both private and public realms to the logic
of capitalism. In this logic, such things as friendship, knowledge,
women, etc. are understood only in terms of their monetary value.
In this way, they are no longer treated as things with intrinsic
worth but as commodities. (They are valued, that is, only extrinsically
in terms of money.) By this logic, a factory worker can be reconceptualized
not as a human being with specific needs that, as humans, we are
obliged to provide but as a mere wage debit in a businessman's ledger.
See also commodity
fetishism. |
Commodity: |
An "external object, a thing which through its qualities
satisfies human needs of whatever kind" (Marx, Capital
and is then exchanged for something else. When
Marx speaks of commodities, he is particularly concerned with the
"physical properties of the commodity" (126),
which he associates closely with the use-value
of an object. However, use-value
does not automatically lead to a commodity: "He who satisfies
his own need with the product of his own labour admittedly creates
use-values, but
not commodities. In order to produce the latter, he must not only
produce use-values,
but use-values
for others, social use-values"
(131). Commodities, therefore, "possess a double form, i.e.
natural form and value form" (138).
(See Use-Value vs.
Exchange-Value.) The physical body of the commodity is made
up of 1) the material provided by nature (e.g. linen, gold, etc.);
and 2) the labor expended to create it (see Marx,
Capital 133). Note that a commodity can refer to tangilble
things as well as more ephemeral products (e.g. a lecture). What
matters is that something be exchanged for the thing. |
Fetishism: |
The tendency to attribute to commodities
(including money) a power that really inheres only in the labor
expended to create commodities.
See the Marx
module on commodity fetishism. |
and Production: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Contradiction: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Credit: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Democracy: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Materialism: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Dialectics: |
Definition coming sooon. |
of Labor: |
The way that different tasks are apportioned to different people
in a given society. According to Marx
and Engels, "How far the productive ofrces of a nation are
developed is shown most manifestly by the degree to which the division
of labour has been carried" (43).
Human progress has led to various developments in the division of
labor: first the "separation of industrial and commercial from
agricultural labour, and hence to the separation of town and country
and to the conflict of their interests" (43).
The "various stages of development in the division of labour
are just so many different forms of ownership" (43),
Marx and Engels outlline those stages as: 1) the tribal form, which
is really "a further extension of the natural division of labour
existing in the family" (44);
2) primitive communism: "the ancient communal and and State
ownership which proceeds especially from the union of several tribes
into a city by agreement or by conquest" (44),
during which time the concept of private property begins to develop;
3) feudal or estate property; and 4) capitalism. For more on these
stages of development, see the Marx
module on the stages of economic development. |
Form: |
Things can be exchanged on the market because they are always
related to a third thing, abstract human labor, which functions
as the equivalent form of the commodity.
By having money serve as the universal equivalent in
capitalist society, we forget the real labor of the worker that
undergirds the production of goods and services, according to Marx.
In the equivalent form, real private labor "takes the form
of its opposite, namely labour in its directly social form"
See Fetishism. |
Empiricism: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Exchange-Value: |
See Use-Value. |
Consciousness: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Society: |
The stage of society that preceded capitalism, during which a
small elite (the aristocracy)
demanded recompense from a peasantry in exchange for military protection.
As Marx and Engels explain, "Like tribal and communal ownership,
it is based again on a community; but the directly producing class
standing over against it is not, as in the case of the ancient community,
the slaves, but the enserfed small peasantry" (45).
In the city, the feudal structure manifested itself in trade guilds.
The organization of both the country and the city "was determined
by the restricted conditions of production—the small-scale
and primitive cultivation of the land, and the craft type of industry"
which meant that there "was little division
of labour in the heyday of feudalism" (46).
Exploitation functioned differently during stage than during the
heigth of capitalism because each feudal peasant knew exactly what
proportion of his labor had to be handed over to the aristocracy
and the church; the rest was his or hers to use. |
Globalization: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Hegemony: |
The processes by which dominant culture maintains its dominant
position: for example, the use of institutions to formalize power;
the employment of a bureaucracy to make power seem abstract (and,
therefore, not attached to any one individual); the inculcation
of the populace in the ideals of the hegomonic group through education,
advertising, publication, etc.; the mobilization of a police force
as well as military personnel to subdue opposition. |
Ideology: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Labor-Power: |
The abstraction of human labor into something that can be exchanged
for money. The relation of labor-power
to the actual labor of a private individual is analogous the
relation of exchange-value to use-value. The system of labor-power
relies on the belief that the laborer chooses freely to enter into
a contractual relationship with an employer, who purchases that
worker's labor power as a commodity and then owns the goods produced
by that worker. However, the worker is exploited insofar as he has
no other option: the capitalist owns all the means
of production. Also, the capitalist seeks to achieve the highest
possible rate of surplus-value,
which "depends, in the first place, on the degree of exploitation
of labour-power" (747).
The capitalist seeks to provide the laborer only enough money to
subsist and to produce more laborers (through child-bearing). |
Lumpenproletariat: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Market: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Materialism: |
Definition coming sooon. |
of Production: |
The tools and raw material used to create a product. |
Class: |
Definition coming sooon. |
of Production: |
Everything that goes into the production of the necessities of
life, including the "productive
forces" (labor, instruments, and raw material) and the "relations
of production" (the social structures that regulate the relation
between humans in the production of goods. According to Marx and
Engels, for individuals, the mode of production is "a definite
form of expressing their life, a definite mode of life
on their part. As individuals express their life, so they are. What
they are, therefore, coincides with their production, both with
what they produce and how they produce" (42). |
or the Money-Form: |
The commodity chosen to function as the universal equivalent for
all other commodities.
The actual form of money is a "matter of accident,"
Marx explains: In the development of society, "The money-form
comes to be attached either to the most important articles of exchange
from outside, which are in fact the primitive and spontaneous forms
of manifestation of the exchange-value of local products, or to
the object of utility which forms the chief element of indigenous
alienable wealth, for example cattle" (183).
Capitalist society turned to gold and silver because precious metals
fulfill the necessary functions of the universal equivalent: "Only
a material whose every sample possesses the same uniform quality
can be an adequate form of appearance of value, that is a material
embodiment of abstract and therefore equal human labour." Also,
"the money commodity
must be capable of purely quantitative differentiation"; it
"must therefore be divisible at will, and it must also be possible
to assemble it again from its component parts. Gold and silver possess
these properties by nature" (184).
Once gold and silver take on the role of money-form they are separated
from their real use-value
(e.g., as filling in teeth or as raw material in luxury goods) and
function almost exclusively as exchange-value;
it becomes an ideal value, which is why it is so easy for this function
to be taken over by paper money (though paper is, in and of itself,
useless). Money performs a similar function on all things exchanged
for it: "Money is the absolutely alienable commodity,
because it is all other commodities
divested of their shape, the product of their universal alienation"
(205). In other words, money is the means by which material use-values
are "transubstantiated," as Marx sometimes put it, into
thus alienating all commodities
from the labour that really gives value to commodities.
See the module
on commodity fetishism. |
Nation-State: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Peasantry: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Bourgeoisie (or petty bourgeoisie): |
Definition coming sooon. |
Economy: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Proletariat: |
The "lower" or "working" classes, the members
of which must under capitalism sell their labor in order to earn
a living. Since the members of the proletariat do not own the products
of their labor and do not have free access to the means
of production or to the means of communication, they are alienated
both from the products they produce and from each other. Note that
some post-Marxists (for example, Ernesto Laclau and Chantalle Mouffe)
have argued that the working classes are, in fact, much more striated
than acknowledged by traditional Marxists, with the differences
between skilled labor and unskilled labor being as significant as
the difference between the lower and middle classes. |
Property: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Democracy: |
Definition coming sooon. |
of Production: |
The social structures that regulate the relation between humans
in the production of goods. |
Socialism: |
Definition coming sooon. |
State: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Sublation: |
Definition coming sooon. |
(Marx): |
The ideologies that dominate a particular era,
all that "men say, imagine, conceive," including
such things as "politics, laws, morality, religion, metaphysics,
etc." (Marx and Engels, German Ideology 47).
For Marx, the superstructure is generally dependent on the modes
of production that dominate in a given period. |
Value: |
The surplus produced over and above what is required to survive,
which is translated into profit in capitalism.
Since the capitalist pays a laborer for his/her labor,
the capitalist claims to own the means of production, the worker's
and even the product that is thus produced. The capitalist thus
buys a product (labor-power,
which is then turned into commodities),
which s/he then sells at a profit on the market. Rather than exchange
a commodity for
money in order to buy another commodity
of use to the consumer (selling in order to buy), the capitalist
buys something in order to sell at a profit margin. The capitalist
is thus driven by profit-making in and of itself, without regard
to use-value or
the suffering of the laborer. See money. |
Synthesis: |
Definition coming sooon. |
and Praxis: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Trade-Union: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Society : |
A primitive stage in the development of society during which there
are no social classes. Tribal society
is instead structured around kinship relations, with hunting the
province of men and domestic work the province of women. The tribal
form, according to Marx and Engels, is quite elementary, "a
further extension of the natural division of labour existing in
the family" (44).
During this stage, it is, however, possible to see a slave culture
established (the beginning of class relations), particularly as
the population increases, leading to "the growth of wants"
and the growth of relations with outside civilizations (through
war or barter). |
Equivalent : |
An object that is the measure by which all commodities are compared
and exchanged on the market. In capitalism,
this function is eventually taken over by money,
first precious metals then paper money. |
vs. Exchange-Value: |
The usefulness of a commodity
vs. the exchange equivalent by which the commodity
is compared to other objects on the market.
Marx distinguishes between the use-value and the exchange value
of the commodity.
Use-value is inextricably tied to "the physical properties
of the commodity"
that is, the material uses to which the object can actually be put,
the human needs it fulfills. In the exchange of goods on the capitalist
market, however, exchange-value dominates: two commodities
can be exchanged on the open market because they are always being
compared to a third term that functions as their "universal
equivalent," a function that is eventually taken over by money.
Exchange-value must always be distinguished from use-value, because
"the exchange relation of commodities
is characterized precisely by its abstraction from their use-values"
(127). In capital, money takes the form of that equivalence; however,
money in fact hides the real equivalent behind the exchange: labor.
The more labor it takes to produce a product, the greater its value.
Marx therefore concludes that "As exchange-values, all commodities
are merely definite quantities of congealed labour-time" (130). |
Usury: |
Loaning money in return for the same money with interest, as in
banking. Usury abridges the general
formula for capital
(M-C-M or buying a commodity-C
with money-M in order
to sell it for more money-M).
The usurer reduces this formula into its purest form: M-M: "money
which is worth more money,
value which is greater than itself" (Marx,
Capital 257). |
Utilitarianism: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Utility: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Utopia: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Value: |
Definition coming sooon. |
Labor: |
Definition coming sooon. |

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