Upcoming SeriesĀ
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Past Lecture Series
March 10, 2016
Special guest lecturer: Dr. Alison Parker.
Dr. Parker presented on Mary Church Terrell: suffragist, founding member of the NAACP, and the first president of the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs.
Diversity and Inclusion Symposium
Diversity and Inclusion: Social Movements
April 13, 2015
Sears Lecture Series
Women's Rights Have No Country: National, Transnational and International Politics of Women's Human Rights.
April 21, 2015
Inaugural LGBT Symposium
Kand McQueen, "Trangenderism 101: Two are Definitely not Enough"
1:30, FRNY G140
Student Research Fair, 3pm Stewart 214 AB
Marlon Bailey, "Butch Queen up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit"
3:30, Stewart 214 AB
Women Changing the World
Friday, March 8, 2013
Purdue Memorial Union, Anniversary Drawing Room
Reflections on Asian American Performance Onstage & Off
Dr. Josephine Lee
Thursday, February 7, 2013
3:00 - 5:00 pm
East Faculty Lounge, Purdue Memorial Union
Immigration and the 2012 Election Roundtable
Thursday, September 20, 2012
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Lynn Hall 1136
Roundtable & reception open to the public
Symposium on the Dimensions of Diversity and Structures of Inclusion
March 29, 2012
Flyers of previous Diversity and Inclusion lecture series events
- Dr. Jen'nan Ghazal Read - Healthy Migrants or Just Healthy Men? Gender and Health among Middle Eastern Immigrants
- Dr. Paula D. McClain - Black and White Americans and Latino Immigrants: A Preliminary Look at Attitudes in Three Southern Cities
- Dr. Phillip Bowman - Institutionalizing Diversity In Research Universities: Major Issues, Centers and Strategies for the 21st Century
- Dr. Cedric Herring - From Affirmative Action to the Business Case for Diversity: Toward a Critical Perspective
- Dr. Rodney Hero - Black-Latino Political Relations in U.S. National Institution: The Importance of Scope and Policy
- Dr. Michael Dawson - Fractured Rainbow: Race and Public Opinion in the Early 21st Century