
A brief video introduction to our program:
Career after Purdue:
General Announcements
Japanese Conversation Hour, now called "CHAT-noMa", on Monday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m in SC 131 or SC G38. All are welcome! Check out the Facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purdue.CHATnoMa/
Japanese major & minor - If you are interested in majoring or minoring in Japanese, Mr. Britain Hamm at BRNG 1114 will help you set it up.
Study abroad opportunities - Information regarding the exchange programs and the summer programs in Japan is available at Study Abroad Progams. For all study-abroad inquiries, contact the Study Abroad Office (4-2383).
Information regarding Japan-specific scholarships and grants is available at Study Abroad Scholarships.
JET Program - Japan Exchange and Teaching Program is another way to spend some time in Japan after receiving bachelor's degree. Information and applications are here.
Summer School at Middlebury College - Are you looking for opportunities to further your language studies in summer? If so, check out the summer Japanese School at Middlebury College. The school provides intensive work in Japanese at all levels, and it provides generous financial aid packages for students in need.