The Human Rights Studies Minor
Students enrolled in the Human Rights Studies Minor at Purdue will develop a comprehensive knowledge of human rights history, theory, and practice.
Those engaged with literature, history, political science, philosophy, art, culture, or religion will have their understanding improved and research deepened by understanding how human rights concepts have been practiced, the philosophical tensions at their foundations, and the historical circumstances of their development. Human rights concepts remain central to international relations and development work. Anyone who wants to work in these fields, or study their history and nature, would benefit from the Human Rights Studies Minor. This minor will not only be useful to students in disciplines that have traditionally taken human rights as an object of study, but also for students whose professional goals involve international business, science, agriculture, and sustainable development.
To graduate with a Human Rights Studies Minor, you must complete 5 courses (15 credits) in total. The Plan of Study includes three core courses and two electives. These courses can overlap with other courses in your major.
Core Classes (must complete three courses)
HIST 33805: History of Human Rights (required course)
PHIL 24000: Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 26000: Philosophy and Law
(choose one of these philosophy courses)
POL 43300: International Organization
POL 43801: International Human Rights
(choose one of these political science courses)
Electives (must choose two elective courses from the list below)
ANTH 20500: Human Cultural DiversityANTH 21500: Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 23000: Gender Across Cultures
ANTH 33600: Human Variation
ANTH 34000: Global Perspectives on Health
ANTH 37900: Native American Cultures
ANTH 38000: Using Anthropology in the World
CDIS 23900: Introduction to Disability Studies
HIST 30605: Technology and War in U.S. HistoryHIST 33700: Europe in the Age of the Cold War (check)
HIST 38200: American Constitutional History
HIST 38300: Recent American Constitutional History
HIST 40800: Dictatorship and Democracy: Europe 1919-1945
HIST 46900: Black Civil Rights Movement
HIST 59500: The Holocaust and Genocide
PHIL 11400: Global Moral IssuesPHIL 27000: Biomedical Ethics
PHIL 28000: Ethics and Animals
PHIL 29000: Environmental Ethics
PHIL 32200: Philosophy of Technology
PHIL 40300: Moral Psychology and Climate Change
PHIL 49000: Philosophy of Race
POL 13000: Introduction to International RelationsPOL 14100: Governments of the World
POL 15000: Introduction to Political Thought
POL 22200: Women, Politics, and Public Policy
POL 23500: International Relations Among Rich and Poor Nations
POL 32600: Black Political Participation in America
POL 32700: Global Green Politics
POL 36000: Women and the Law
SOC 32800: Criminal JusticeSOC 33900: Sociology of Global Development
SOC 35600: Hate and Violence
SOC 41900: Sociology of Law
SOC 42900: Sociology of Protest