Submission Guidelines
(These guidelines apply to general submission. To submit an essay for a special issue, please see those specific instructions.)
Mfs invites the submission of articles (6,000-9,000 words) offering historical, interdisciplinary, theoretical, and cultural approaches to modern and contemporary narrative. Please visit our online submission system to upload your essay: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/mfs
In addition to its continuing commitment to publishing the best scholarship on modern and contemporary fiction, Mfs is also especially interested in pursuing topics of current importance to literature and the humanities in general, including
- Critical AI Studies
- New Directions in Critical Race Theory
- Discourses of Sustainability
- Literary Studies, Climate Change, Species Extinction
- Literature and Bodies: Gender, Sexuality, Disability Studies
- Medical Humanities
- Conspiracy Theory and its Fictions
- Populism and its Fictions
- Discourses of Neoliberalism
- Migration and Nation
- The Future of Literary Studies in the University
Documentation format should include internal citation, endnotes, and full Works Cited in accordance with the latest edition of the MLA Style Manual. Mfs welcomes the submission of illustrations. Low-resolution images are acceptable for submission, but authors must provide high-resolution images for publication.
Publication is contingent on authors granting exclusive license to Johns Hopkins UP to publish their essays for the Department of English at Purdue University. Authors may subsequently reprint their essays in books that they publish, provided they acknowledge the material's previous publication in Mfs.
Address editorial correspondence to
The Editors
Modern Fiction Studies
Purdue University
Department of English
500 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2038
Phone: (765) 494-3758
FAX: (765) 494-3780
E-mail: mfs@purdue.edu
Subscription and Ordering Information
All subscription information is available at Johns Hopkins University Press. Single copies may be ordered by calling toll-free: 1-800-548-1784.