Issue 32.1
Issue 32.1
Winter/Spring 2021
Elizabeth Hart Bergstrom, “Baba Yaga Moves to Louisiana”
Antony Fangary, “assal eswed (black honey)”
Caroline Chavatel, “Lumber”
Yuko Taniguchi, “A Piece of Brown Skin”
Beatrice Szymkowiak, “Spring Was the Thickness of a Dollar”
Jessica Gersony, “Ancient Tillites”
Alyse Bensel, “Hurricane Season”
Jose Hernandez Diaz, “Insomniac Moon”
Tyler Wagner, “Cul-de-sac”
Emily Nason, “Sertraline”
Lauren Green, “Bishoptown”
Amina Gautier, “Karen,” Winner of the 2020 Flash Prose Contest for Black Trans Lives
Lara Palmqvist, “Aquaria,” Runner-up of the 2020 Flash Prose Contest for Black Trans Lives
Abby Walthausen, “Couple Friends”
Mary Catherine Curley, “Alarm”
Gillian Parrish, “Nothing but a Storm Drain Now”
Linda Woolford, “Fashions of the Day”
Lea Page, “For Emphasis a Knife”
Kelly DeLong, “Personal Audit”
Ariel Kim