Sudbury Community Garden
May 1, 2020
Rage Hezekiah
Sunflowers slump
like drunks
outside the bar,
thick stalks necrotic—
stripped of seeds by
unfed starlings, dark
birds pillaging
the beds. Butternut
squash hulls litter
snowless soil, russet
tomato skins stick
to wet ground
beside faded
seed markers
in earth. February
shouldn’t warm
the loam, but I
walk the farm
with bare arms, bask
in untimely weather.
Sun penetrates
skin like a welcome
drug, after
a winter spent
swaddled in flannel.
Among familiar decay
my breath nourishes—
life finds its way back
inside. Raspberries
scatter at my feet, fruit
once honey-sweet,
delicate herbs harvested
last August, lavender
& thyme. Brassica
skeletons rest beside
the nightshades’ bed
tomatillos’ mangled vines—
a treasure already
robbed. Relics
of a hazy summer,
pressed into humus
beneath full hunger
moon, frost cloth
waving in the wind.
from Issue 31.1
RAGE HEZEKIAH is a New England based poet and educator, who earned her MFA from Emerson College. She has received fellowships from Cave Canem, The MacDowell Colony, and The Ragdale Foundation, and is a recipient of the Saint Botolph Foundation’s Emerging Artists Award. Her chapbook Unslakable (Paper Nautilus Press) is a 2018 Vella Chapbook Award Winner. Stray Harbor, her debut full-length collection is forthcoming with Finishing Line Press in 2019. You can find out more about her writing at ragehezekiah.com.