Faculty Book Publications (2013-2020)
Kim Gallon published "Pleasure in the News: African American Readership and Sexuality in the Black Press" (University of Illinois Press, 2020). |
Randy Roberts (150th Anniversary Professor) has published “War Fever: Boston, Baseball, and America in the Shadow of the Great War,” (Basic Books, 2020) with Johnny Smith (Purdue PhD). |
James Farr (Germaine Seelye Oesterle Professor of History), has published his latest book: "Who Was William Hickey? A Crafted Life in Georgian England and Imperial India" (London and New York: Routledge, 2020). |
R. Douglas Hurt has published |
T. Cole Jones has published "Captives of Liberty: Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance in the American Revolution" in the Early American Studies series of University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. |
John Larson has published “Laid Waste! The Culture of Exploitation in Early America” (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019). |
Silvia Z. Mitchell published "Queen, Mother, and Stateswoman: Mariana of Austria and the Government of Spain" (Penn State University Press, 2019). |
Tithi Bhattacharya (Associate Professor of History), has published her latest book: "Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto" (Verso, 2019) |
Margaret Mih Tillman published "Raising China's Revolutionaries: "Modernizing Childhood for Cosmopolitan Nationalists and Liberated Comrades, 1920s-1950s". (Columbia University Press, October 2018). |
Silvia Z. Mitchell contributed “Introduction: The Spanish Habsburg Court during the Reign of Carlos II (1665–1700).” to The Court Historian: The International Journal of Court Studies vol. 23 no. 2 (2018). She also served as the guest editor of this issue. |
Wendy Kline published "Coming Home: How Midwives Changed Birth" (Oxford University Press, 2018). |
Ariel de la Fuente's has published “Borges, Desire, and Sex” (Liverpool University Press, 2018) in the Liverpool Latin American Studies series. |
Sharra Vostral has published “Toxic Shock: A Social History” (New York University Press, 2019) in their Biopolitics series. |
Douglas Hurt has published "Documents of the Dust Bowl" (ABC-Clio 2019). |
Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith published "A Season in the Sun The Rise of Mickey Mantel" (Basic Books, 2018). |
Cole Jones published "'Elated with Victory, and Reeking with Revenge': The Yorktown Prisoners and the Laws of War in Revolutionary America," in Glenn A. Moots and Philip Hamilton, eds., Justifying Revolution: Law, Virtue, and Violence in the American War of Independence (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018). |
David C. Atkinson published "The Burden of White Supremacy: Containing Asian Migration in the British Empire and the United States". (The University of North Carolina Press, 2017). |
Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith published "Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X". (Basic Books 2016). |
Randy Roberts and J. Samuel Walker published "Road to Madness: How the 1973-1974 Season Transformed College Basketball". (The University of North Carolina Press, 2016). |
Kathryn Cramer Brownell has published "Showbiz Politics: Hollywood in American Political Life" (The University of North Carolina Press, 2014). |
Frederick Rowe Davis published "Banned: A History of Pesticides and the Science of Toxicology" (Yale University Press, 2014). |
Melinda Zook published "Protestantism, Politics, and Women in |
Yvonne Pitts published "Family, Law, and Inheritance in America: A Social and Legal History of Nineteenth-Century Kentucky" (Cambridge University Press, 2013) in The Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society series.. |
Rising Tide: Bear Bryant, Joe Namath, and Dixie's Last Quarter" (Twelve, 2013). |
Emeritus Faculty |
Charles Ingrao, Professor Emeritus of History, published the third edition of "The Habsburg Monarchy 1618-1815" (Cambridge University Press, August 2019) in their New Appoaches to European History series. |
Robert May, Professor Emeritus of History, published Yuletide in Dixie: Slavery, Christmas, and Southern Memory (The University of Virginia Press, 2019). |