Student Contacts
The following individuals will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the program. The contacts are separated by geographic area of inquiry, and list their advisor, major field, minor field, research interests, and e-mail address. If you are not sure which area you are interested in feel free to contact any individual or the members of HGSA, and they would be happy to point you in the right direction. When you e-mail us please reference "Purdue HGSA" or "Questions about Purdue" in the subject line so we know you are not junk mail. We look forward to hearing from you!
Srishti Dutta Chowdhury, PhD Student
Primary Advisor: Dr. David Atkinson
Major Field: Labor Migration and Immigration History
Minor Field: Human Rights, Decolonization, and Migrant/Worker Rights
Research Interests: South and East Asian migration; Transnational movements of workers; Atlantic capitalism and empire-making; Global labor transformations
Purdue E-Mail: sduttach@purdue.edu
Aline Beatriz Coutinho, PhD student
Advisor: Dr. Wendy Kline
Major Field: History of Abortion Politics
Minor Field: Gender and Human Rights in the International History (20th-21st Century)
Research Interests: Reproductive Rights, Reproductive Justice, US and Latin America, Abortion Politics
Purdue E-Mail: acoutinh@purdue.edu
Shelby Jones, PhD Student
Primary Advisor: Dr. Stacy E. Holden
Major Field: American Foreign Relations
Minor Field: Modern Middle East
Research Interests: 19th-century American diplomacy, the Late Ottoman Empire, American travel and cross-cultural exchange
Purdue Email: jone2354@purdue.edu
Zachary Logsdon, PhD Candidate
Primary Advisor: Dr. David Atkinson
Major Field: American Foreign Relations History
Minor Field: 20th Century American Politics
Research Interests: Puerto Rican political history, American empire, early 20th Century American diplomacy
Purdue Email: zlogsdon@purdue.edu
Stefano Palermo, PhD Candidate
Primary Advisor: Dr. William G. Gray
Major Field: History of Capitalism
Minor Field: Modern Europe
Research Interests: European integration, business and cultural history, nationalism and empires
Purdue Email: palstef@purdue.edu