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Hegel and the Unity of Science

February 24th & 25th (Monday-Tuesday), 2020
Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN)

G.W.F. Hegel was adamant that any philosophy worthy of the name had to be systematic, and thus to do justice to the specific spheres of knowledge as well as demonstrating their unity. Only so could our knowledge become scientific, and our (natural) science become knowledge. This conference will explore different aspects of this problem from the scientific nature of philosophical thinking itself to the philosophical nature of Hegel’s reflections on natural science.



room information
The conference will be held in the East Faculty Lounge of the Purdue Memorial Union (PMU 240).
Monday, February 24th, 2020
Time Speaker Talk Title Commentator
10:00am Elise Frketich
(KU Leuven/Purdue)
“Kant and Hegel on Biology and Individuation” Brian Johnson
11:20am Coffee Break
11:35am Christian Martin
(LMU Munich)
“Our three attitudes towards nature” Joshua Wretzel
(Penn State)
12:55pm Lunch
2:25pm Marina Bykova
(NC State)
“Hegel's concept of nature and the systematic place of his philosophy of nature” Michael Kolodziej
3:45pm Coffee Break
4:00pm Andreja Novakovic
(UC Berkeley)
“Self-Surprise in Hegel’s Science of Logic Eliza Little
5:20pm Coffee Break
5:35pm Clinton Tolley
(UC San Diego)
“The unity of logic as a science” Yang Chen
6:55pm Finish


Tuesday, February 25th, 2020
Time Speaker Talk Title Commentator
9:00am Sebastian Stein
“Hegel on the truth-conditions of empirical and philosophical knowledge about nature” Jim Elliot
10:20am Coffee Break
10:35am Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer
“Nature, Spirit, and their Logic. Hegel‘s Encyclopedia as an order of the Sciences” Shana Crandell
11:55am Lunch
1:25pm Ansgar Lyssy
“Understanding things by using them – Causation, purpose and life in Hegel” Morganna Lambeth
2:45pm Coffee Break
3:00pm Luca Corti
“Hegel, Naturalism and Cognition” Kevin Harrelson
(Ball State)
4:20pm Coffee Break
4:35pm Elvira Basevich
(UMass Lowell)
“What is an Anti-Racist Philosophy of Race in Kant and Hegel?” Tiffany Montoya
5:55pm Finish



This conference has been generously supported by the Departments of Philosophy at Purdue University, the University of Heidelberg, and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.