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Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion:  

Michael Bergmann   

Bergmann’s research in philosophy of religion covers the following topics: the problem of evil, skeptical theism, divine hiddenness, Reformed epistemology, religious disagreement, evolutionary debunking arguments, theistic evolution, Biblical studies, middle knowledge, divine aseity, divine responsibility, and divine freedom.

Jeff Brower   

Brower's research in philosophy of religion has focused on the following topics: divine attributes (esp. aseity, simplicity, goodness, and omnipresence), nature of religious language (esp. the doctrine of analogy), and topics in philosophical theology (esp. Trinity, Incarnation, Atonement, and Eucharist).

Jan Cover   

Taylor Davis 

"I came to philosophy through psychology, and my research has always focused on scientific theories of the mind, with a focus on the role of evolutionary history. My current focus is on the evolution of norms, or cultural values, and on the theoretical problems raised by the many conflicting ways norms are represented across the social sciences. This includes concerns about the nature of norms in general, but also certain specific types of norms, such as moral norms, norms of sustainability and environmentalism, and norms of democracy. This focus on norms is a natural extension of earlier work on the evolution of religion, morality, and culture in general, some of which focuses on purely theoretical issues, and has been published in Review of Philosophy and PsychologySocial Philosophy and Policy, and Journal of Cognition and Culture, while other work, published in Philosophical Psychology and Social Cognition, is empirical, using methods from experimental philosophy to measure folk intuitions about metaethics and the concept of morality. Finally, one strand of my research focuses on applying scientific theory, rather than developing it: I argue for climate solutions that focus on internalizing norms of sustainability and environmentalism, rather than merely complying with them as a means of avoiding punishment and gaining approval. Work on this topic has been published in Nature SustainabilitySustainabilitySustainability Science, and Ecology and Society."

Paul Draper   

"My philosophical work applies theories of evidence and probabilistic reasoning to problems in philosophy of religion and philosophy of science.  My work in philosophy of religion, which is my primary research specialization, focuses on evidential arguments for and against God’s existence, including cosmological arguments, design arguments, and arguments from evil.  My work in philosophy of science focuses primarily on probabilistic arguments for multiple universes and the requirement of total evidence, although I have also written on Darwinian gradualism.  In addition, I have combined my interests in philosophy of religion and philosophy of science to generate a couple articles on the relationship between science, religion, and naturalism.  Finally, my longstanding fascination with David Hume’s work on religion has led to a meager amount of work in the history of philosophy, while an emerging interest in the philosophy of mind and especially the hard problem of consciousness may or may not lead to something of value in the future."

Patrick Kain   

Patrick Kain’s interests in philosophy of religion include topics in Kant’s philosophy of religion, connections between moral and religious epistemology, and issues in philosophical theology about divine freedom, divine goodness, and the divine will.

Jacqueline Mariña

"My work in the philosophy of religion is mostly historical, focusing on the work of Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Schleiermacher. I explore themes such as the relation between ethics and religion, the ground of value, the problem of evil, and theories of human transformation. More recently I’ve done some work on the problem of evil from an analytic perspective."