Research Resources
The Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and Partnerships assists faculty in the development of research and education proposals. EVPRP staff provide a broad range of services and resources related to funding and grantsmanship. Below are some of the ways the office can assist.

Research Development staff can provide assistance with both large and small proposals. This page explains their services and provides links to other useful proposal preparation resources.

The EVPRP funding page provides information on internal, external, seed, and early investigator funding opportunities. Links to helpful funding search tools and e-mail alerts can also be found here.

Information on upcoming grantsmanship workshops and events including dates, times, and registration information. Presentations from previous events can also be accessed from this site.

Find information on internal and external grants and fellowships for graduate students, as well as grant-writing workshops.

Undergraduate Research Resources
The Undergraduate Research Office provides information and videos on research opportunities, publishing, frequently asked questions about undergraduate research, and more.