Visual Message. Identity. New Media.
Purdue Visual Communication Design is Ranked #1 for Design School Programs in indiana for 2021.
Purdue Visual Communication Design is ranked #7 among the top Visual Communications Degree programs for 2019. Faculty and Students Win National and International Awards. See Spotlight.
We live in a world mediated by images. The Purdue University Visual Communication Design (VCD) program develops students as problem seekers and solvers with the capability to plan communication strategies and form effective visual products. The curriculum is structured to prepare students for a profession that is evolving rapidly and influenced by computer technology advances.
Students are prepared to master the technical and conceptual skills involved in typography, image generation, visual structure, color design and composition, as well as to conduct research, think conceptually, articulate and present ideas, and critically evaluate the form making process.
VPA TV // Program Overview
Career Opportunities
Visual Communication Design program graduates pursue an eclectic line of work in the design industry. The program creates opportunities to pursue various creative positions. Alumni hold positions in several branches of design, including Graphic Design, Graphic Art, Web and Multimedia Design, Packaging Design, Marketing Communications, Art Direction, Branding Design, Design Education, and also Independent Graphic Design Consulting and Operations. Purdue graduates of Visual Communication Design often find themselves in various Junior and Senior roles, as well as, Director, Associate, Coordinator, Manager, and Specialist positions. The design career horizons are ever expanding and our curriculum prepares students to earn opportunities in several design facets.
Targeted Messages and Technology
During their education at Purdue University, Visual Communication Design students work on a series of problem-based visual assignments to build their visual message design and experience design skills. Below are a few examples of works dealing with branding, packaging, social issues posters, graphical user interface design, ebook design, and online self-promotion.