Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual and Performing Arts

The Department of Theatre and Dance is located in Yue-Kong Pao Hall of Visual and Performing Arts. Located at 552 W. Wood Street, you can find Pao Hall between the Agriculture Mall/Marstellar Street and Hawkins Residence Hall/Sheetz Street on the south side of campus.

Visitor Parking

Take exit 178 (State Road 43). Turn right and follow to State Road 26 West (Mitch Daniels Boulevard). Follow Mitch Daniels Boulevard past the Grant Street intersection and turn left onto Sheetz Street. Proceed one block and turn right into the Pao Hall parking lot. See map for more parking options.

Take exit 172. Turn left onto State Road 26 West and follow through Lafayette and West Lafayette. After the Grant Street intersection, turn left onto Sheetz Street. Proceed one block and turn right into the Pao Hall parking lot. See map for more parking options.