Publications and Presentations
Conference Presentations
Opoku, E. (2024, July 18.) A formal syntactic analysis of agentivity in Akan motion event. [Poster Presentation]. 6th Annual Crete Summer School in Linguistics, University of Crete, Rethymno, Gallos, Greece.
Opoku, E. (2024, March 15-19). Advise-giving about Covid-19 in Ghanaian English. [Round Table Presentation]. American Association of Applied Linguistics, Houston, TX, United States.
Reagin, C. (2024, November 19). Utilizing participatory action research to preserve Indigenous languages, cultures, and knowledge. [Poster Presentation]. Purdue University Undergraduate Research Expo, West Lafayette, IN, United States.
Conference Presentations
LaRouche, D. (2023, November 14). Classifier selection for motion predicate in American Sign Language. [Poster Presentation]. Purdue University Fall Undergraduate Research Expo, West Lafayette, IN, United States.
Marondera, S. & Mills, B. (2023, November 14). Path verbs in Akan. [Poster Presentation]. Purdue University Fall Undergraduate Research Expo, West Lafayette, IN, United States.
Benedicto, E. 2022. Not all Agents are created equal: Agents in Motion. In Linnaea Stockall, Luisa Martí, David Adger, Isabelle Roy and Sarah Ouwayda (eds), For Hagit: A celebration. QMUL Occasional Papers in Linguistics, no.47, 2022. London, UK. https://www.qmul.ac.uk/sllf/linguistics/research/working-papers/opal47/
ICA-57 - Congreso Internacional de Americanistas
Conference Presentations
Osei-Tutu, K. O. A. (2018, January). Getting to the Point: Telicity in Mono-Eventive Motion Predicates in Ghanaian Student Pidgin (GSP). Paper presented at the Winter 2018 Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL), held in conjunction with the 92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Salt Lake City, Utah.
Conference Presentations
Benedicto Salmerón, Elena and Elizabeth Salomón McClean. 2017. Sistema meronímico de la lengua mayangna en el dominio de las plantas del bosque. Presented at the IV ACALING Conference, San Salvador, El Salvador. August 28-30 2017.
Benedicto Salmerón, Elena and Elizabeth Salomón McClean. 2017. Modelos de interacción para la Revitalización, Documentación y Análisis de Lenguas Indígenas y Minorizadas. Presented at the IV ACALING Conference, San Salvador, El Salvador. August 28-30 2017.
Osei-Tutu, K. O. A. (2017, July). Serial Verb Constructions (SVCs) in Complex-Path Motion Predicates in Ghanaian Student Pidgin (GSP). Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute, Lexington, Kentucky.
Salomón, E. and E. Benedicto. 2017. El Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna: combinando y coordinando auto-empoderamiento, investigación y documentación. I ICRIML (International Conference on the Revitalization of Indigenous and Minoritized Languages), Indiana University, Universitat de Barcelona /Universitat de Vic. Barcelona and Vic, April 19-21, 2017.
Osei-Tutu, K. O. A. (2017, January). You get maf wey I get mɔf: Phonological variation and identity in Ghanaian Student Pidgin. Paper presented at the Winter 2017 Meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics (SPCL), held in conjunction with the 91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America (LSA), Austin, Texas.
Benedicto, Elena. 2017. Metodología de investigación participativa: principios y prácticas aplicadas a la creación de corpora lingüísticos. In Mesa Creole. Encuentro académico alrededor de la experiencia de constitución de corpus lingüísticos: creación de redes académicas, intercambio de experiencias y asesorías. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Caribe. San Andrés Island, Colombia. Aug 31-Sept 1, 2017.
Benedicto, Elena. 2017. The Long-Term Experience of The Sumu-Mayangna Project of Nicaragua. Presented at The LED-TDR Lyon Workshop. Socio-linguistics of Endangered Languages. Profiles, Post-Vernacularity and Revitalization. Lyon, France. 24-25 Avril 2017.
Conference Presentations
Benedicto, Elena. 2016. Complex motion predicates: at the intersection of language documentation, description and theory. Paper presented at the Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 5 Conference (LDLT 5). School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS, University of London. London, UK. December 2-4, 2016.
Benedicto, Elena. 2016. Design of an English for Specific/Other Purposes Undergraduate Program: beyond the usual. Paper presented for the Workshop on La Enseñanza de Idiomas: Retos y Perspectivas, at the III Congreso de Educación en Ingeniería y Arquitectura (CIEIA 2016) within the Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la CUJAE. Instituto Superior Politécnico CUJAE. Palacio de Convenciones, La Habana, Cuba. November 21-25, 2016.
Benedicto, Elena. 2016. Complex motion predicates crosslinguistically and crossmodality. Paper presented at the XIV Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste (14th EILN). Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. November 16-18, 2016.
Benedicto, Elena. 2016. Transitivizing strategies for motion predicates in 3 Sign Languages. Paper presented at the FEAST (Formal and Experimental Advances to Sign Language Theory) Conference. Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Italy. Sept 1-2, 2016.
Benedicto, Elena. 2016. Classifiers as Agreement… or not?. Paper presented at the Sign language agreement revisited: new theoretical and experimental perspectives Workshop, at the Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS). February 23-26.
Benedicto, Elena, Chiara Branchini, Lara Mantovan and Robin Shay (with Gladys Tang and Sharon Borkowski). 2016. Decomposing the internal structure of motion predicates in three sign languages: LIS, HKSL, ASL. Poster presented at the TISLR 12 (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research). La Trobe University, Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Australia. January 4-7 2016.
Osei-Tutu, K. O. A. (2016). Lexical borrowing in Ghanaian Student Pidgin – The case of Akan loan words and loan translations. In Faraclas, N., R. Severing, C. Weijer, E. Echteld, W. Rutgers and R. Dupey. Eds. Celebrating Multiple Identities: Opting out of neolcolonial monolinguism, monoculturalism and mono-identification in the Greater Caribbean. Willemstad: University of Curaçao and Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma. pp. 47-54.
Osei-Tutu, K. O. A. (2016). The vocabulary of Ghanaian Student Pidgin: A preliminary survey. In Faraclas, N., R. Severing, C. Weijer, E. Echteld, W. Rutgers and R. Dupey. Eds. Celebrating Multiple Identities: Opting out of neolcolonial monolinguism, monoculturalism and mono-identification in the Greater Caribbean. Willemstad: University of Curaçao and Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma. pp. 163-178.
Fall 2013
Conference Presentations
Elena Benedicto and Amelia Shettle are going to University of Texas – Austin, to present at the CILLA VI Conference (Conference on the Indigenous Languages of Latin America)
Taim y Sait: cambio categorial y especialización semántica. Elena Benedicto, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna and Alyson Eggleston
Linguistic attitudes as a crucial factor in language revitalization. Amelia Shettle, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna and Elena Benedicto.
Elena Benedicto joined alumna Alyson Eggleston in Mexico City to attend the Symposium on Meronymy across Languages: Lexicalization, Semantics, Morphosyntax, taking place at the Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, September 27-28, 2013. They presented
What plants tell us about the Mayangna Meronymy System. Elena Benedicto, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna, Ethan Myers and Alyson Eggleston
Sumu-Mayangna meronyms: Mapping volumes and projecting facets. Alyson Eggleston, Elena Benedicto, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna.
Eric Follett, Alejandra Hidalgo and Elena Benedicto went to Tegucigalpa, Honduras for the II Meeting of ACALING (Association of Central American Linguistics), taking place at the UNAH, August 28-30, 2013. There they met with colleagues Tomasa Gómez and Elizabeth Salomón of the Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna and presented the following talks:
Las Cláusulas Relativas de la lengua Mayangna Panamahka, Nicaragua. Elizabeth Salomón McLean, URACCAN-IPILC.
Locación in-situ y locación proyectada: innovación morfológica a través del reciclaje de préstamos. Elena Benedicto, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna y A. Eggleston, Purdue University, URACCAN, ECU.
Propiedades de complementos clausales de los verbos psicológicos. Eric Follett, Purdue University.
Metodología Activa Participativa en la elaboración de materiales lingüísticos. Elena Benedicto, Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna, IPILC-URACCAN, Purdue University.
Construcciones de Complemento del Gerundio Perfectivo en el español de la sierra ecuatoriana. Alejandra Vela. Purdue University.
Metodología Comunicativa en la Enseñanza de Lengua Indígena como L2. Mayangna Yulbarangyang Balna, Ager Gondra, Eric Follett, Elena Benedicto, IPILC-URACCAN, SUNY, Purdue University.
Conference Presentations
Park, Sunny K. 2008. Wh-questions in Korean-English Bilingual Children: Is There Crosslinguistic Influence? At Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Park, Sunny K. 2008. Bilingual Language Acquisition: Is there cross-linguistic influence? Wh-questions in Korean-English bilingual children. Presented at X Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico.
Overfelt, Jason. 2008. The internal behavior of Tigrinya PPs: Head-movement and affixation by adjacency. Presented at The 39th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. The University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
Park, Sunny K. 2008. The acquisition of Wh-questions by Korean-English bilingual children: The role of cross-linguistic influence. M.A. Thesis. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Overfelt, Jason. Expected. The syntax of relative clause constructions in Tigrinya. M.A. Thesis. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.