Advisory Committee
For each graduate student, both M.A. and Ph.D., entering the Linguistics program, the Graduate Committee will designate a temporary adviser at the time of admission. By the beginning of the second semester of graduate study, in consultation with the student's adviser, the student will prepare a statement explaining the curricular intent, with desired area of concentration and subconcentration. The curricular statement should list the core and specialized courses which the student will take, and any additional courses which would be appropriate or desirable for the student to take should they be offered. The Graduate Committee will review the curricular statement and give guidance to the student and adviser.
When the curricular statement has been completed the student will form an Advisory Committee following the Graduate School requirements. A committee must consist of at least three members but may have more. At the Ph.D. dissertation stage, there must be at least four. The Chair and at least one other member of any Advisory or Thesis Committee must be the Linguistics Program Faculty. When the Advisory Committee has been constituted, the Graduate School Plan of Study form must be completed, signed by each Committee member, approved by the Graduate Committee, and filed with the Graduate School.
Students in the M.A. program should submit their Curricular Statement at the beginning of their second semester of study and should complete the remainder of the process, including the submitted Plan of Study, no later than the end of the second semester. Students in the Ph.D. program should complete this process no later than the end of the second semester after admission to the Ph.D. program.