Linguistics Courses
There are other courses in related departments that can also be applied towards a Linguistics major or minor; ask your advisor about your options.
Graduate courses may be opened to upper-level Linguistics undergraduate students, with permission of advisor.
For a list of the names, times and professors of the current graduate and undergraduate classes, click here.
LING 20100: Introduction to Linguistics. Basic concepts of linguistics and methods of analysis of language; overview of linguistics and the role of language in society. Introduction to phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics, and to problem-solving techniques, with material drawn from a variety of languages.
LING 31100: Fundamentals of Phonology and Morphology; Prerequisite or corequisite: LING 201 or equivalent. Basic concepts and tools of phonological and morphological analysis viewed through the material of American English. Current theoretical approaches to phonology and morphology, including word-formation processes and applications.
LING 31500: Elements of Phonetics; Prerequisite or corequisite: LING 201 or equivalent. Credit will not be given for both LING 315 and SLHS 306. Introduction to articulatory phonetics. Mechanisms of production of speech sounds. Sounds of languages of the world, ear training for discriminating speech sounds, and practice in broad and narrow phonetic transcription. Introduction to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
LING 32100: Foundations of Syntax and Semantics; Prerequisite or corequisite: LING 201 or equivalent. Credit will not be given for both LING 321 and ENGL 328. Introduction to syntactic and semantic analysis based on American English and its dialects. Underlying structure and its relation to meaning. Analysis of parts of speech, constituent phrases, sentence structure, representations, ambiguity, and applications of current theory.
LING 36800: Sociolinguistic Study of African American English (ANTH 368, COM 368, ENGL 368, FLL 368, IDIS 378). A study of the history, structure, uses, and educational concerns of African American English in African American speech communities and the United States culture at large.
LING 39800: Special Topics in Linguistics I; Admission by consent of instructor; May be repeated for credit. Investigation of a special topic in linguistics. The topic will vary from semester to semester.
LING 49000: Directed Reading in Linguistics; Admission by consent of the chair of the Linguistics Program; May be repeated for credit. Independent study and reading on a topic in linguistics directed by a faculty member.
LING 49800: Special Topics in Linguistics II; Admission by consent of instructor; May be repeated for credit. Investigation of a special topic in linguistics. The topic will vary from semester to semester.
LING 49900: Research in Linguistics; Undergraduate research into a designated topic in linguistics. Permission of instructor required.