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(Co)Ignition is the name of the Purdue NeuroHumanities committee that holds regular meetings open to the public - faculty and students welcome - invites outside speakers to Purdue each semester, and attends and organizes conferences in the field.

Regular meetings center either on current publications in the field of cognitive studies, works by upcoming speakers, or (Co)Ignition member research presentations. Faculty and students alike are invited to attend and students may seek out additional program information from (Co)Ignition members.

(Co)Ignition Steering Committee Members

  1. Paula Leverage, Director: Associate Professor of Languages and Cultures, French, Purdue University:
  2. Jennifer Marston William: Professor of Languages and Cultures, German, Head of SLC, Purdue University:
  3. Richard Schweickert: Professor of  Cognitive Psychology, Purdue University:
  4. Howard Mancing: Professor Emeritus of Languages and Cultures, Spanish, Purdue University:
  5. Robert Tyler Gabbard-Rocha: Production Editor, Purdue Studies in Romance Languages, Purdue University: