Graduate Student Publications
Jung, Jong Hyun, and Daniel V. A. Olson. 2017. "Where Does Religion Matter Most?: Personal Religiosity and the Acceptability of Wife-Beating in Cross-National
Jung, Jong Hyun. 2017. “Religion and the Sense of Control in Cross-national Perspective: The Importance of Religious Context." Social Currents.
Jung, Jong Hyun. 2017. "Childhood Adversity, Religion, and Change in Adult Mental Health." Research on Aging.
Kemp, Blakelee R., Kenneth F. Ferraro, Patricia M. Morton, and Sarah Mustillo. 2017. “Early Origins of Adult Cancer Risk Among Men and Women: Influence of Childhood Misfortune?” Journal of Aging and Health.
Ferraro, Kenneth F., Blakelee R. Kemp, and Monica M. Williams. 2017. “Diverse Aging and Health Inequality by Race and Ethnicity." Innovation in Aging.
Wilkinson, Lindsay R., Kenneth F. Ferraro, and Blakelee R. Kemp. 2017. "Contextualization of Survey Data: What Do We Gain and Does It Matter?" Research in Human Development.
Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Siyun Peng, Jong Hyun Jung, and Karl Pillemer. 2017. "Role of Perceived Maternal Favoritism and Disfavoritism in Adult Children's Psychological Well-Being." Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.
Megan Gilligan, J. Jill Suitor, Sangbo Nam, Brianna Routh, Marissa Rurka, & Gulcin Con. 2017. “Family Networks and Psychological Well-Being in Midlife.” Social Sciences.
Gilligan, Megan, J. Jill Suitor, Marissa Rurka, Gulcin Con, and Karl Pillemer. 2017. “Adult Children’s Serious Health Conditions and the Flow of Support between the Generations.” The Gerontologist.
Park, Soon Seok and Andrew Raridon. 2017. "Survivor: Spectators and Gladiators in the US Environmental Movement, 2000-2010." Social Movement Studies.
Park, Soon Seok. 2017. "Gendered Representation and Critical Mass: Women's Legislative Representation and Social Spending in 22 OECD Countries." Sociological Perspectives.
James G. Anderson and Rong Fu, “Methods for Modeling and Simulation Studies,” in Francis Lau and Craig Kuziemsky (Eds.), Handbook of eHealth Evaluation: An Evidence-based Approach, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2016, pp. 261- 276.
Ferraro, Kenneth F. and Patricia M. Morton. 2016. “What Do We mean by Accumulation? Advancing Conceptual Precision for a Core Idea in Gerontology.” The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Social Sciences Advance. online publication.
Morton, Patricia M., Nicholas A. Turiano, Daniel K. Mroczek, and Kenneth F. Ferraro. 2016. “Childhood Misfortune, Personality, and Heart Attack: Does Personality Mediate Risk of Myocardial Infarction?” The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences.
Raridon, Andrew, and Tamara L. Mix. 2016. “ ‘That’s Not Grassfed!’ Identity Formation, Maintenance, and Co-optation in Oklahoma’s Grassfed Livestock Movement.” Sociological Inquiry (in press).
Peng, Siyun, J. Jill Suitor, and Megan Gilligan. 2016. “The Long Arm of Maternal Differential Treatment: Effects of Recalled and Current Favoritism on Adult Children’s Psychological Well-Being.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.
Pillemer, Karl, J. Jill Suitor, Catherine Riffin, Cary Reid, and Siyun Peng. In press. “The Impact of Older Parents’ Pain Symptoms on Adult Children." Pain Medicine.
Suitor, J. Jill, Gulcin Con, and Megan Gilligan. 2015. “Mixed Methods.” in Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging. NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Gulcin Con, Kaitlin Johnson, and Siyun Peng. 2015. “Parent-Adult Child Relations.” in Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging. NY: Wiley-Blackwell.
Jung, Jong Hyun. 2015. "A Cross-national Analysis of Religion and Attitudes toward Premarital Sex: Do Economic Contexts Matter?" Sociological Perspectives.
Kadowaki, Joy. (2015). "Maintaining Professionalism: Emotional Labor Among Lawyers as Client Advisors." International Journal of the Legal Profession, 22(3): 323-345.
Krishnan, Preethi and Mangala Subramaniam (2015). "Gender, Domestic Violence, and Patterns of Conviction: Analysis of India’s Supreme Court Rulings," pp.45 – 72 in Sheila Royo Maxwell , Sampson Lee Blair (ed.) Violence and Crime in the Family: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Volume 9) Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Mustillo, Sarah, Ashleigh Kysar-Moon, Susan R. Douglas, Ryan Hargraves, Shelley MacDermid Wadsworth, and Nicole Frazier. (2015). “Overview of Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Misuse among Active Duty Service Members Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Self-Report and Diagnosis.” Military Medicine 180:4: 419-427.
Zachary D. Palmer and Rachel Kraus. 2015. “‘Live in Israel. Live the Dream’: Identity, Belonging, and Contemporary American Jewish Migration to Israel.” Sociological Focus
Suitor, J. Jill, Megan Gilligan, Siyun Peng, Jong Hyun Jung, & Karl Pillemer. 2015. “Role of Perceived Maternal Favoritism and Disfavoritism in Adult Children’s Psychological Well-Being.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences (Oct 6, advance access).
Gilligan, Megan, J. Jill Suitor, Marissa Rurka, Gulcin Con, and Karl Pillemer. 2015. “Adult Children’s Serious Health Conditions and the Flow of Support between the Generations.” The Gerontologist.