What Can I Do With A Degree In Digital Criminology?
Become A Crime Analyst
What is a Crime Analyst?

Crime Analysts identify patterns and gather helpful data to assist detective and investigators solve crimes. By examining police reports, and a number of other data sources ranging from crime mapping and GIS data, crime analysts are able to understand occurring themes and patterns across local areas to develop strategies to reduce criminal activities and assist police command to better allocate their police resources.
Crime Analysts are non-sworn members of a law enforcement department often found working within local police departments, although law enforcement agencies at all levels including state and federal agencies may employ their expertise.
What Employers Look for in This Position
Most employers in this career field want candidates who possess strong communication and technical skills as well as great writing ability. Such candidates must be able to locate and interpret data and repackage and present information in a way that is easily understood by others. To be marketable for a crime analyst career, persons should strengthen their written and verbal communication skills, strategic and critical thinking skills, analytical skillsets in quantitative methods, statistics, and cyber forensics.
How Digital Criminology Enhances Career Development
The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital Criminology is an interdisciplinary degree program offering a series of combined Law and Society and Cyber-security courses. The curriculum is designed to enhance learning on criminal activity involving the use of information technology, investigation on types of information related crime and security network issues, digital profiling as a tool for detection, identification and apprehension of criminal offenders, and roles and function of legal institutions in an evolving information technology society.
How Digital Criminology Prepares Students For A Crime Analyst Career
Students majoring in Digital Criminology are required to complete 60 credit hours of specified coursework in Law and Society and Cyber-security courses.
The degree focus consists of thirty-three (33) required credit hours of Law and Society coursework, and twenty-seven (27) credit hours of CNIT coursework.
Targeted coursework includes
- SOC 327 Crime, Deviance, and Mass Media
- SOC 328 Criminal Justice
- SOC 382 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology
- SOC 383 Introduction to Research Methodology
- CNIT 176 Information Technology Architectures
- CNIT 270 Cybersecurity Fundamentals
- CNIT 420 Basic Cyber Forensics
- CNIT 422 Cyber Criminology