Aletha Stahl
- Senior Intercultural Learning Specialist, Affiliate // Comparative Literature // SLC
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Aletha Stahl, PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Iowa, is a Senior Intercultural Learning Specialist within Purdue’s Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR). Before joining CILMAR two years ago, she spent more than two decades in the Department of Languages and Cultures at Earlham College, where as Professor of French and Francophone Studies she taught multiple courses in French and in interdisciplinary programs; developed and led international study programs in Martinique, Haiti, and Montreal, among others; served as Teaching and Learning Consultant and Co-Director for the Center for Social Justice; and advised students both academically and on their senior capstones. At Purdue, her responsibilities include working with instructors and programs on curricular needs assessments and intervention design related to intercultural learning, facilitating workshops primarily for faculty and staff, and managing the Growing Intercultural Leaders Program.