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Amanda Veile

Amanda Veile

Associate Professor // Anthropology

Curriculum vitae

Office and Contact

Room: STONE 308 (Lab: Stone 153)

Office hours: by appointment


Phone: (765) 494-2376

Fax: (765) 496-7400


Fall 2020 on leave
Fall 2019: Culture, Food and Health (ANTH 212)
Fall 2019: Foundations of Biological Anthropology (ANTH 535)

Amanda Veile studied Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of New Mexico (Ph.D. 2011) and joined the faculty at Purdue University in 2015.

Faculty Associate: Center on Aging and the Life Course 



Evolution of the human life course, human reproductive and behavioral ecology, immuno-nutritional development of infants and children, lactation and evolutionary obstetrics, Latin American indigenous health, global public health, maternal/child health.

Dr. Veile directs the Laboratory for Behavior, Ontogeny and Reproduction (LABOR), a biohazard level-2 wet lab with capacity to run Enzyme Linked Immunoassays (ELISA) to measure metabolic hormones and immunoproteins in human saliva and dried blood spots (



Dr. Veile conducts research in human evolutionary biology. Her PhD research (University of New Mexico) linked infant feeding patterns and immunological maturation to energetic and epidemiologic conditions in the Bolivian Tsimane (Amazonian forager-farmers) and the Venezuelan Pumé, (savannah foragers). In her postdoctoral research (Harvard University), she examined infant diets and adaptive growth strategies in Yucatec Maya subsistence farmers. Veile currently directs two indigenous health projects: 1) Causes and Consequences of Rising Cesarean Delivery Rates in the Yucatec Maya (Mexico), and 2) Urbanization, Migration and Indigenous Health (Peru).

Veile's research has been funded by The National Science Foundation, Harvard University Society of Fellows, Harvard University FAS Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, the Claire Garber Goodman Fund (Dartmouth College), the Purdue Research Foundation, Purdue University College of Liberal Arts, and the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI-NIH).

Her research has been published in the Journal of Human Lactation, Social Science and Medicine, PlosOne, Physiology and Behavior, Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Current Psychology, the American Journal of Human Biology, and several anthropology and interdisciplinary anthologies. Her work has been covered by media outlets such as Futurity, Yahoo News, Science Daily, The Times of India, National Science Foundation Discovery Files, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Dr. Veile's in-print publications can be found at the PubMed, Google Scholar and Research Gate websites:
