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Ariel Azar

Ariel Azar

  • Assistant Professor // Sociology
  • Assistant Professor // Cornerstone

Research Focus


Office and Contact

Room: BRNG 1130


Ariel's research focuses on the interplay between policy, political systems, and broader social structures, and their influence on health disparities and overall health trajectories across the lifespan. His research is particularly dedicated to investigating the health outcomes of migrant and LGBT populations, exploring both intra-group disparities and differences relative to non-migrant and cis-heterosexual populations in changing policy contexts that (un)protect these populations. He also delves into the impact of public and policy attitudes towards migration on perceptions of the welfare state, contributing valuable insights in the context of increasing global migration.

His research extends to international comparisons and covers a range of topics, from healthcare policy preferences to attitudes toward migration and LGBT populations. He has also developed an interest in the development and implementation of sequence analysis methodologies.

Ariel holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago and a BA in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Currently, he is affiliated with the Population Research Institute at Pennsylvania State University as a 2023-2025 Visiting Scholar. He is currently working on a collaborative comparative study between the U.S. and the U.K. on LGBT population health and the collection of retrospective life course data among Latin American immigrants in the United States, striving to continue expanding our understanding of health disparities and social structures.