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Charles Stewart

Charles Stewart

Professor // Communication
Emeriti Faculty

Office and Contact

Ph.D., University of Illinois
M.A., University of Illinois
B.S., Indiana State University


Primary interest in rhetorical criticism and message analysis, persuasion, the rhetoric of social protest, and interviewing.

Representative Publications

Interviewing: Principles and Practices, McGraw-Hill, 2008, 12th ed.Persuasion and Social Movements, Waveland, 2007, 5th edition."The Master Conspiracy of the John Birch Society: From Communism to the New World Order," Western Journal of Communication, 66 (Fall 2002), 424-447."The Evolution of a Revolution: Stokely Carmichael and the Rhetoric of Black Power," Quarterly Journal of Speech, 1997.Explorations in Rhetorical Criticism, Pennsylvania State University, 1973.