David Reingold
- Senior Vice President for Policy Planning, Justin S. Morrill Dean of the College of Liberal Arts // Administration
- Senior Vice President for Policy Planning, Justin S. Morrill Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Professor // Sociology
- Affiliated Faculty // African American Studies // SIS
Office and Contact
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Chicago (1996)
M.A. Sociology, University of Chicago (1992)
Urban poverty & housing; economic development; social policy; government
David A. Reingold is the Senior Vice President for Policy Planning at Purdue University and the Justin S. Morrill Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University on the West Lafayette Campus where he is a Professor in the Department of Sociology.
As Senior Vice President, he is responsible for coordinating Purdue's footprint in the nation's capital through the Purdue@DC initiative, leading Purdue's freedom of expression and freedom of inquiry efforts, implementing Purdue's systemwide civics literacy graduation requirement, and advancing critical thinking across the curriculum, among other university-wide initiatives. As the Dean and chief academic and administrative officer of the College, he is responsible for the departments of History, English, Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, and Anthropology, as well as the Brian Lamb School of Communication, the Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance, the School of Languages and Cultures, and the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and faculty appointments and academic matters for Purdue Bands and Orchestras.
Reingold’s primary teaching and research areas include urban poverty, economic development, social welfare policy, low-income housing policy, civil society, and government performance. His research has appeared in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Public Administration Review, Social Service Review, Urban Studies, the Journal of Urban Affairs, and Housing Studies, among other social science journals
Prior to his appointment at Purdue, Reingold was executive associate dean and professor in the Paul O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University – Bloomington, which he led to a #1 U.S. News ranking.
His public service experience includes three years in Washington D.C. as director of research and policy development at the U.S. Corporation for National and Community Service. He also was a member of the White House Task Force for Disadvantaged Youth and chair of the Task Force’s research committee, housing commissioner and vice-chairman of the Bloomington Housing Authority Board, board president of the South Central Community Action Program, and chair of the Indiana Commission on Community Service and Volunteerism. He has served on expert panels for the U.S. National Academy of Public Administration and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Reingold is a founding director of the Community Investment Fund of Indiana, a state-wide community development financial institution. He has served on editorial boards for the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Social Service Review, Evaluation Review, the Journal of Urban Affairs, and the Journal of Public Affairs Education.
To learn more about the dean you can visit: https://www.cla.purdue.edu/deans-office/meet-the-dean.html