Donald W. Mitchell
- Professor // Philosophy
- Professor // Religious Studies // SIS
- Professor // SIS
Curriculum vitae
Office and Contact
PhD, University of Hawaii
Comparative Philosophy, Eastern Philosophy, Philosophy of Religions
Selected Publications
Buddhism: Introducing the Buddhist Experience, 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.The Gethsemani Encounter: A Diologue on the Spiritual Life by Buddhist and Christian Monastics. New York: Continuum Press, 1997.Book Chapters
“Dialogical Reflections on Christian Prayer and Zen Meditation.” In The Comity and Grace of Method, ed. T. Ryba, G. Bond, and H. Tull, Northwestern University Press, 2004.“A Life Between Two Fires: Chiara Lubich and Lay Sanctity.” In Lay Sanctity, ed. A. Astell, University of Notre Dame Press, 2000.Articles
“Masao Abe’s Early Spiritual Journey and his Later Philosophy,” Buddhist-Christian Studies 28 (2008): 107-110. “Re-Creating Christian Community in an Interfaith Setting,” Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003): 21-32.Selected Honors
The Roche Chair for Interreligious Research (2005).Luminosa Award for Interfaith Activities (1991).Work in Progress
Book: Green Monasticism: Buddhist and Christian Perspectives on Ecology