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Eugene Spafford

Courtesy Professor // Political Science

Courtesy Faculty // Communication

Courtesy Faculty // Philosophy

Executive Director of CERIAS Emeritus

Professor of Department of Computer Sciences

Office and Contact

Room: LWSN 1183


Phone: (765) 494-7825


Computer and network security, cybercrime and ethics, technology policy, and social impact of computing.

Dr. Spafford's current research interests are focused on issues of computer and network security, cybercrime and ethics, technology policy, and social impact of computing. He is the founder and executive director of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). This university-wide institute draws on expertise and research across many of the academic disciplines at Purdue.

Professor of Computer Science
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (courtesy)
Professor of Communication (courtesy)
Professor of Philosophy (courtesy)
Professor of Political Science (courtesy)
Executive Director, Purdue CERIAS
