Allison Frazier
Graduate Student // Communication
Office and Contact
Office hours: Fall 2024: Thursday; 2:00-3:00pm
Allison earned her Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies at Purdue University where she later developed a foundation in social work within the Greater Lafayette and Purdue community. Her work in this industry inspired her passion for educating communities about healthy relationships and sex. To further her career in this area, she is seeking a master’s degree in health communication with a minor in methods.
Research and Teaching:
Allison is interested in engaging different communities in conversations to improve relationship and sex education programs tailored for those communities. Specifically, she would like to host conversations with college fraternities and rural K-12 schools.
Allison has taught Introduction to Presentational Speaking and Advanced Presentational Speaking. Additionally, she joined the Purdue Presentation Center to provide presentation guidance for the campus community. Prior to starting her master’s degree, she led interpersonal violence prevention education for the Purdue community.