Geraldine Friedman
- Associate Professor // English
- Associate Professor // Comparative Literature // SLC
- Associate Professor // Philosophy and Literature // SIS
- Associate Professor // SIS
- Affiliated Faculty // Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies // SIS
Office and Contact
Room: SC G066
Email: friedman@purdue.edu
Ph.D., Yale University, 1985
British Literature
Research Areas:
Literature and culture of Romanticism and Sensibility, critical theory, poststructuralism, women's writing, feminist theory, and theory and history of sexuality
Geraldine Friedman received her Ph.D. from Yale University in 1985. After teaching at Bowdoin College and the Colorado College, she came to Purdue in August 1988. She is the author of The Insistence of History: Revolution in Burke, Wordsworth, Keats, and Baudelaire (Stanford, 1996). Her essays have appeared in such journals as ELH, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Studies in Romanticism, PMLA, and Yale French Studies. She is currently at work on two book projects, Female Romantic Love and Friendship in the British Cultural Imaginary, 1760-1840, and Symptoms of Marxism: Althusser and the Post-World War II Conjuncture in France. Specialties include the literature and culture of Romanticism and Sensibility, critical theory, poststructuralism, women's writing, feminist theory, and theory and history of gender and sexuality. She offers graduate courses on Romanticism, Theory and Cultural Studies, and Women's Literature and Feminist Theory and is affiliated with Women's Studies and the Ph.D. program in English and Philosophy.