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Jonathan Lande

Jonathan Lande

Assistant Professor // History

Assistant Professor // Cornerstone

Research focus:
African American History, Military History, History of Race

Curriculum vitae

Office and Contact

Room: BRNG 6126

Office hours:

  • Tue. & Thurs. 11 am - 12 pm


Phone: (765) 494-1526

Fax: (765) 496-1755


HIST 611: Research Practicum 

HIST 590: Slavery and Emancipation 

HIST 499: History Internship 

HIST 310: Civil War and Reconstruction 

HIST 355: History of American Military Affairs 

HIST 590: Nineteenth-Century Black Citizenship 

SCLA 102: Transformative Texts: Modern World 

Ph.D., History, Brown University, May 2018


U.S. Civil War, U.S. Military History, U.S. Legal History, African American History, Atlantic History of Race and Slavery

Jonathan Lande earned his Ph.D. at Brown University (2018). Before joining Purdue, he was the Brown University-Tougaloo College Exchange Faculty Fellow (2017-2018) and the Schwartz Postdoctoral Fellow at New-York Historical Society and the New School (2018-2019). 

Lande is the recipient of the Allan Nevins Dissertation Prize (Society of American Historians), the Cromwell Dissertation Prize (American Society for Legal History), the Du Bois-Wells Paper Prize (African American Intellectual History Society), and the William F. Holmes Paper Prize (Southern Historical Association). He also received Brown University’s Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018), an award he was nominated for by students from Brown and Tougaloo. 

Lande has published articles in the Journal of American History, Journal of Social History,Journal of African American History, Journal of American Ethnic History, Civil War History, and the Washington Post. He has been a research fellow at, among other institutions, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, the Huntington Library, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and Harvard University. He is currently completing his first book, Warriors, Rebels, and Runaways (under contract with Oxford University Press), which examines freedom seekers in the US Army who fought for liberation and justice in camp, the courts-martial, and military prisons. 

Lande has delivered papers on his research at meetings of organizations including the American Historical Association, Organization of American Historians, Southern Historical Association, and Society of Civil War Historians. His talk on deserters at the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College was aired on C-SPAN and can be viewed here

Lande is accepting graduate students interested in delving into the Civil War era and African American history throughout the nineteenth century.  

List of Publications

Warriors, Rebels, and Runaways: A History of Black Soldiers’ Struggle for Freedom during the American Civil War (under contract with Oxford University Press)

“Emancipating Masculinity: Black Union Deserters and Their Families in the Civil War South,” Journal of American History 109, no. 3 (December 2022): 548-570.

“‘Prisoners with Undaunted Patriotism’: Incarcerated Black Soldiers and Battles of Citizenship in Military Prisons during the Civil War,” Civil War History 68, no. 3 (September 2022): 229-267.

“The Black Badge of Courage: The Politics of Recording Black Union Army Service and the Militarization of Black History in the Civil War’s Aftermath,” Journal of American Ethnic History 42, no. 1 (Fall 2022): 5-42.

 “‘Lighting Up the Path of Liberty and Justice’: Black Abolitionist Fourth of July Celebrations and the Promise of America from the Fugitive Slave Act to the Civil War,” Journal of African American History 105, no. 3 (Summer 2020): 364-95. 

 “Trials of Freedom: African American Deserters during the U.S. Civil War,” Journal of Social History 43, no. 3 (Spring 2016): 693-709.