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Kevin Stainback

Kevin Stainback

Research Focus


Curriculum vitae

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Room: BRNG 1174


Phone: (765) 494-0938

Ph.D. North Carolina State University




Work and organizations; Social stratification and inequality (Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Class)

Dr. Stainback’s primary area of research examines racial and gender inequality in jobs, work, and organizations. A central theme in much of this work is the role organizations play in shaping contemporary inequality dynamics. This research is theoretically varied and spans topics such as workplace segregation, social networks and job attainment, access to managerial jobs, wage inequality, job discrimination and mental health, the expansion of precarious employment, organizational foundations of perceived discrimination, and work-family balance. Most of this research is quantitative and draws on U.S. data, although much of his current research examines inequality outside the U.S. (e.g., Korea, UK).

His research has been featured in popular news and media (e.g., Atlantic, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review). He is co-author of the book Documenting Desegregation: Racial and Gender Segregation in Private Sector Employment since the Civil Rights Act (Russell Sage Foundation). He has also published numerous articles in journals such as the American Sociological Review, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annual Review of Sociology, Gender & Society, Public Opinion Quarterly, Social Forces, and Social Science Research.

Current research projects include topics related to: Women in Management, Policy, and Inequality; Organizational "Best Practices" and Workplace Gender Segregation; Hukou inequality in Urban China; Gender Workplace Discrimination and Mental Health; Organizations, Parental Leave Policies, and Use.

Stainback is currently interested in taking on graduate students with specific interests in quantitative studies of organizations, work, and inequality (with interest in studying organizations--both in the US and abroad).