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Mary (Molly) Scudder

Mary (Molly) Scudder

Research Focus

Political Theory and Democracy

Curriculum vitae

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Room: BRNG 2224


Phone: (765) 496-3342

Ph.D., University of Virginia, 2014
M.A., University of Virginia, 2010
B.S., Santa Clara University, 2007




Political Theory
Public Policy
Politics of Groups and Identities
American Politics



Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts
Associate, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance


Research Summary

Mary F. (Molly) Scudder specializes in democratic theory. She is an expert on empathy and listening in political communication. She is the author of two books and several research articles dealing with how citizens who have diverse and conflicting political and moral commitments can come together to order public life in a democratic way. Dr. Scudder is interested in political decision-making among everyday people, and how political talk shapes people’s political opinions.


Selected Publications

Scudder, Mary F. and Stephen K. White. 2023. The Two Faces of Democracy: Decentering Agonism and DeliberationNew York: Oxford University Press.

 Scudder, Mary F. 2023. “Deliberative Democracy, More than Deliberation,” Political Studies, Vol. 71 (1): 238-255.

Scudder, Mary F. 2022. “Measuring Democratic Listening: A Listening Quality Index,” Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 75, Issue 1: 175-187.

Scudder, Mary F. 2020. Beyond Empathy and Inclusion: The Challenge of Listening in Democratic Deliberation. New York: Oxford University Press. 

Scudder, Mary F. 2020. “The Ideal of Uptake in Democratic Deliberation,” Political Studies, Vol. 68, Issue 2: 504-522.


