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Melissa Will

Melissa Will

Research Focus

International Security

Curriculum vitae

View CV

Office and Contact

Room: BRNG 2216c


Phone: (765) 494-4161

Career Summary

I am interested in the evolution of the U.S. intelligence community and the role it plays in U.S. foreign policy. I also look at how we educate about national security.

I teach classes on intelligence, US foreign policy, terrorism, and international relations. As Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Political Science, I am dedicated to creating opportunities for our students in the classroom and beyond. I have been the faculty advisor for Purdue’s award-winning Delta Omega chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the political science honor society, since 2019.

Prior coming to Purdue, I worked for 10-years as an analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). My expertise centered around failed states, civil conflict, governance, and elections. I spent a significant amount of time in Afghanistan. As senior analyst, I was deeply involved in all stages of the intelligence process, from data collection to providing policymakers with finished intelligence. 


Teaching Honors and Awards

2022-2023 Kenneth T. Kofmehl Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award
Highest teaching award in the College

2023-2024 Purdue University’s Teaching for Tomorrow Fellowship Award

2021-2022 College of Liberal Arts Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award (2021-2022)
Awarded first year of eligibility 

2020-2021 Professor of the Year Award from Purdue’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha (the National Political Science Honor Society)

2019-2020 Professor of the Year Award from Purdue’s chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha (National Political Science Honor Society)

