Sharonda Woodford
- Limited Term Lecturer // Political Science
Curriculum vitae
Office and Contact
Email: swoodfor@purdue.edu
Fields of Study
American PoliticsTeaching Experience
Independent Instructor
Black Political Participation (2020-2022)
The Black Athlete (2015-2016)
Introduction to African American Studies (2015)
American Government
Women, Politics, and Public Policy (2019)
American Government (2016-2021)
Purdue University
Race in America Then and Now: Post-Racial Perspectives on the Civil Rights Movement (2013)
Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs, ST. PAUL, MN
American Government (2013-2014)
Jackson State University, Jackson, MS
Brown, Nadia, Guillermo Caballero, Fernando Tormos, Allison Wong, and Sharonda Woodford. (2018). “Black Women Lawmakers and 2nd Wave Feminism: An Intersectional Analysis on Generational Cohorts within Southern State Legislatures from 1990-2014.” In 18 Million Cracks: The Legacy of 2nd Wave Feminism in American Politics, eds. Angie Maxwell and Todd Sheilds. The University of Arkansas Press.
Woodford, Sharonda and Rosalee A. Clawson. “U.S. Media Coverage of the Housing Crisis
During the Great Recession: Does Race Matter?” Special Issue of the Journal of
Applied Journalism & Media Studies.
Woodford, Sharonda. “Media Coverage: Episodic and Thematic Framing of Housing and
Race from 2005-2010.” (Paper)
Woodford, Sharonda. “Black Masculine Lesbians: Power, Powerlessness, & the Costs of
Invisibility and Hypervisibility.” (Paper)
2022-2023 Bilsland Fellowship, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
2021 Certificate of Nomination for Professor of the Year 2021, Department of Political Science, Purdue University
2017 Bayard Rustin’s Best LGBT Student Paper Award, National Conference of Black Political Scientist
2016 Purdue University Promise Award
2016 National Conference of Black Political Scientist G.A.P Award Woodford 3
2015 Purdue University African American Studies and Research Center H.H. Remmers Award
2012-2013 Jackson State University Honor’s Scholarship
2013 Graduate Student of the Year Award, Department of Political Science, Jackson State University