Thomas Rickert
- Professor // English
- Affiliated Faculty // Religious Studies // SIS
- Professor // Philosophy and Literature // SIS
- Professor // SIS
Office and Contact
Room: SC 268
Email: trickert@purdue.edu
Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington, 2000
Rhetoric & Composition, Cultural Studies & Critical Theory
Recent publications include Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Zizek, and the Return of the Subject, published by the U of Pittsburgh Press (2007), "Toward the Chora: Kristeva, Derrida, and Ulmer on Emplaced Invention" in Philosophy and Rhetoric 40.3 (2007), and "New Media and the Fourfold" (With Jennifer Bay) in JAC 28: 1-2 (2008). Recent course topics include Postmodern theory (Engl 626) and a genealogy of the contemporary university (Engl 680I). His current book project explores rhetoric as an ambient phenomena, as theorized through Heidegger, speculative materialism, and contemporary cognitive science.