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Tithi Bhattacharya

Tithi Bhattacharya

Research Focus

South Asian History, Social Reproduction Theory, Feminism, Gender and Sexuality, Marxist theory, Empire

Curriculum vitae

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Office and Contact

Room: BRNG 6176

Office hours:

  • Fall 2024:
  • Thurs. 11am-12pm
  • & by appointment


Phone: 765-496-2731

Fax: (765) 496-1755


HIST 243 South Asian History and Civilizations
HIST 379 Gandhi: Myth, Reality, and Perspective
HIST 612: Advanced Colloquium in Historical Research
HIST 641: Transnational Feminism(s)

Ph.D. University of London, 2000



South Asian History, Social Reproduction Theory, Feminism, Gender and Sexuality, Marxist theory, Empire.

Tithi Bhattacharya is a professor of South Asian History at Purdue University. She is the author of Ghostly Past, Capitalist Presence (Duke University Press, forthcoming 2024), The Sentinels of Culture: Class, Education, and the Colonial Intellectual in Bengal (Oxford University Press, 2005) and is the editor of the now classic study, Social Reproduction Theory: Remapping Class, Recentering Oppression (Pluto Press, 2017).  Her coauthored book includes the popular Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto (Verso, 2019) which has been translated in over 30 languages. Her new book, Ghostly Past, Capitalist Presence: A Social History of Fear in Colonial Bengal, is due out from Duke University Press in 2024. She writes extensively on South Asian history, Marxist theory, gender, and the politics of Islamophobia. Her work has been published in the Journal of Asian Studies, South Asia Research, The Guardian, Jacobin, The Nation, and the New Left Review. She is on the editorial board of Studies on Asia and Spectre.

Professor Bhattacharya teaches courses in South Asian history, Transnational Gender, Colonialism and Global History. She is currently accepting graduate students interested in studying South Asian history, gender and social reproduction theory.

For more details please visit Professor Bhattacharya’s Website

Despite her use of Marxism as a theoretical tool, and her commitment to complete human liberation, at home Professor Bhattacharya is forced to live a life of complete servitude to her cat, Cleveland the Valiant, who is sometimes kind enough to afford her certain minimal rights as guaranteed by the Geneva Convention.

 Image of a black cat sitting over a copy of Marx Engels Selected Works.


List of Publications
