Yubraj Aryal
- Visiting Lecturer // Philosophy and Literature // SIS
Office and Contact
Email: yaryal@purdue.edu
Social & Political Philosophy, Continental Philosophy (key figures: Foucault, Deleuze & Spinoza) and Nonwestern Philosophy/Global Studies
Between Foucault and Derrida (edited with Vernon Cisney & Nicolae Morar; Forthcoming from Edinburgh University Press).
The Humanities at Work: International Exchange of Ideas in Aesthetics, Philosophy and Literature (Sunlight, Kathmandu, 2008).
Special Journal Issues:
Deleuze (coedited with Daniel W. Smith, Purdue University for the Society for Philosophy and Literary Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal) , Vol. 5, No. 11, Winter 2010.
Modernisms (coedited with Professor Peter Nicholls, New York U for the Society for Philosophy and Literary Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal), Vol. 6, No. 13, Fall 2010 .
“Desire, Spirituality and ‘Regimes of Truth’ in Contemporary South Asian Literature,” Special Issue, The World Forum for World Literature Studies (Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2014).