Academic Planning
Studying abroad doesn't mean delaying graduation! Credits earned abroad can count towards your major, minor, CLA core requirements, or as electives.
Both Academic Advisors and the Study Abroad & International Programs team can help with things like determining the best time to go abroad, program selection, and figuring out what types of requirements you can fulfill. Once you are accepted to your program of choice, you will need to meet with a Study Abroad Liaison to complete the course approval process.
Any students taking a liberal arts class abroad will need to meet the Study Abroad & International Programs team to have these classes approved. Liberal arts classes can include (but are not limited to!) the following: culture, foreign language, communication, history, etc. To approve these classes, you will need to visit the 10th floor of Young Hall or contact us to set up an appointment. Together, we will fill out a course approval form so you will know exactly how your study abroad classes will equate to direct Purdue credit.